🔭 I’m currently working in ToolJet
🌱 I’m currently working as a Software Engineer.
🤝 I’m available for freelancing.
🌱 I’m currently learning NextJS and ElasticSearch.
📝 I sometimes write articles on LinkedIn
💬 Ask me about Reactjs & Nodejs
📫 How to reach me devanshu.rastogi05@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
Check out my GitHub repository:
Things that I am currently working on:
- Revamping and modernizing the architecture of a finance bank’s website, while refining its scalability and enhancing its overall design using technologies like Gatsby and Strapi CMS.
- Currently working on a freelance project creating an e-commerce website using Shopify.
- Developing an interactive portfolio inspired by Steven Mengin’s Awwwards-winning site using GSAP Timeline and ScrollTrigger.