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CircleCI Version Coverage Status Quality Gate Docker Pulls Docker Image Size License: MIT


Badge generator for docker registries hosted in jfrog artifactory


Sample command

docker run --rm \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -e ARTIFACTORY_URL=https://some/url \

Configurable properties


    io.micronaut.http.server.netty.NettyRequestLifecycle: DEBUG # Optional. To enable HTTP server access logs

Environment variables

Name Required Default Description
ARTIFACTORY_URL true (None) The JFrog artifactory URL that hosts the docker registry
ARTIFACTORY_API_KEY true (None) API key for interacting with artifactory's REST API
ARTIFACTORY_EXCLUDED_FOLDERS false /_uploads Subfolders to be not treated as docker tags
ARTIFACTORY_DATE_FORMAT false yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Date format to parse dates in artifactory API responses
ARTIFACTORY_BADGE_SHIELDS_IO_ENABLED false true Indicates if should be used to generate the badge
ARTIFACTORY_BADGE_PARALLELISM false 5 Amount of parallelism to use when fetching details about versions of an image
LOGGER_LEVELS_ROOT false INFO SLF4J log level, for all(framework and custom) code
LOGGER_LEVELS_IO_GITHUB_DEVATHEROCK false INFO SLF4J log level, for custom code
MICRONAUT_ENVIRONMENTS false (None) Setting the value to local will mock the calls to the artifactory. Only for testing purposes
MICRONAUT_SERVER_PORT false 8080 Port in which the app listens on
MICRONAUT_CONFIG_FILES true (None) Path to YAML config files. The YAML files can be used to specify complex, object and array properties
LOGBACK_CONFIGURATION_FILE false (None) Class, file or remote path to logback configuration file. Will be ignored when using a remote path with any logger.* or LOGGER_ config set

API spec

When the app is running, detailed API documentation can be accessed at {host}/swagger-ui or {host}/swagger/artifactory-badge-{version}.yml. The available endpoints are listed below for reference:

  • /docker/pulls?package=path/to/package - Generates download count badge
  • /docker/image-size?package=path/to/package - Generates docker image size badge
  • /docker/layers?package=path/to/package - Generates docker image layers count badge
  • /version?package=path/to/package - Generates latest version badge

Sample badge generated by the custom generator

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="144" height="20" role="img" aria-label="docker pulls: 47">
    <title>docker pulls: 47</title>
    <linearGradient id="s" x2="0" y2="100%">
        <stop offset="0" stop-color="#bbb" stop-opacity=".1"/>
        <stop offset="1" stop-opacity=".1"/>
    <clipPath id="r">
        <rect width="144" height="20" rx="3" fill="#fff"/>
    <g clip-path="url(#r)">
        <rect width="112" height="20" fill="#555"/>
        <rect x="112" width="32" height="20" fill="#007ec6"/>
        <rect width="144" height="20" fill="url(#s)"/>
    <g font-family="monospace">
        <text aria-hidden="true" x="0" y="15" fill="#fff" xml:space="preserve"> docker pulls </text>
        <text aria-hidden="true" x="112" y="15" fill="#fff" xml:space="preserve"> 47 </text>


Enabling debug logs

  • Set the environment variable LOGGER_LEVELS_ROOT to DEBUG to enable all debug logs - custom and framework
  • Set the environment variable LOGGER_LEVELS_IO_GITHUB_DEVATHEROCK to DEBUG to enable debug logs only in custom code
  • For fine-grained logging control, supply a custom logback.xml file and set the environment variable LOGBACK_CONFIGURATION_FILE to /path/to/custom/logback.xml

JSON logs

Refer logstash-logback-encoder documentation to customize the field names and formats in the log. To output logs as JSON, set the environment variable LOGBACK_CONFIGURATION_FILE to logback-json.xml