This is a small Java 11 Spring-Boot based project that can compute density, based on a sample of points. It can be run in a CLI or Web mode.
This project was developed following TDD (see git log
) and
the Clean Code and
Clean Architecture
guidelines from Robert C. Martin.
- Java 11+
- Maven 3.6+
Simplest install method in UNIX environments is via SDKMAN
Simply run :
mvn clean install
This will run unit tests in all modules and package both cli
and web
runnable jars in their respective target
Run the CLI with :
java -jar cli/target/poi-finder-cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar [CLI parameters]
java -jar cli/target/poi-finder-cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --nbpoi "{\"min_lat\": 6.5, \"min_lon\": -7}"
Expected output :
java -jar cli/target/poi-finder-cli-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --densest "{\"n\": 2}"
Expected output :
Run the Web server with :
java -jar web/target/poi-finder-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Wait for the server to start (i.e. until Started PointFinderWebApplication in X.YZ seconds (JVM running for A.BC)
displayed) then run the following commands in another terminal :
curl http://localhost:8080/nbpoi\?min_lat\=6.5\&min_lon\=-7
Expected output :
curl http://localhost:8080/densest/2
Expected output :