This material was originally called terraform-workshop and built by nubbthedestroyer (Michael Lucas), then forked from @davewadestein
Michael gave it to us when he stopped teaching, and then it was modified by Patrick Force, then again by @devbyaccident
Patrick created a day of Packer to add to this workshop and that is not included here as we do not own that material.
This repo has the slides, as well as the workshop repo with all of the example code as a submodule. This keeps the code in one place where it can be downloaded seperate from the slides, but can be modified seperatly.
When running the lab, students should clone the terraform-workshop repo from their Cloud9 instances. When reviewing slides or setting up environments, use this repo instead with the submodule.
To download examples run
git clone --recurse-submodules
If repo already cloned:
cd terraform-workshop
git submodule update --init --recursive