This app allows the students of IIT Delhi to know which Lecture Halls are free at a particular time of the day.
First, clone the repository.use
git cloneGo to the repository's folder and then create a virtual environment.
Create a virtual environment and activate it.
Install the requirements.
$ python3 -m virtualenv FreeSpace $ . FreeSpace/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ conda create -n FreeSpace --yes python=3.* $ conda activate FreeSpace $ pip install -r requirements.txt
You are good to go.
The app requires the user to manually login to the roombooking site. Once logged in, get the cookie with name PHPSESSID and pass it as an argument to the python script along with how the number of weeks you want to scrape the data for. not specifying the argument, takes the default value of 2.
For generating the tables which get shown on the site, run
Then view the site by running
$ python3 -m http.server 8080& sensible-browser http://localhost:8080
The room booking site only shows the tables from the day after, so for debugging purposes, it is recommended to move forward your system's date by 1.