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.NET core sci


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create a dxf

result dxf


detect polygons ( line, arcs ) intersection loops

result dxf

yellow ∩ green


detect polygons ( line, arcs ) intersection loops when edges overlaps

result dxf

yellow ∩ green


👉 unit tests still a good place to find some example about library usage.


yellow - green


  • yellow ∩ green dxf


  • yellow - green dxf


  • green - yellow dxf


  • yellow ∪ green dxf




offsets the existing polyline ( cyan ) by specified amount using a reference point to disambiguate the offset side ( yellow, green ).


global usings:

global using SearchAThing.Ext;
global using static SearchAThing.Ext.Toolkit;

global using SearchAThing.Sci;
global using static SearchAThing.Sci.Toolkit;
global using static SearchAThing.Sci.Constants;

Basic concepts

Side effects

If not explicitly described in function documentation with a declaration of (side effects) all netcore-sci classes operates without side effects on the object.

For example:

Vector3D a(1, 2, 3);
var b = a.SetX(10);

The vector a created with X:1, Y:2, Z:3 will subjected to a SetX(10) but the vector a itself not changes, it still equals to (1,2,3); instead SetX returns a new instance (10, 2, 3).


  • any function in this library that involves some test of comparision between numbers requires as first argument a tolerance parameter
  • the tolerance depends on the domain application you are working on, for example if you work on mm lengths then a 1e-1 could enough
  • when working with normalized vector3d regardless of the domain application the constant NormalizedLengthTolerance should used ( it has a 1e-4 default value that is enough to work with double and floats )
  • note that the tolerance doesn't influence for example in how accurate is the result of an intersection because the value is computed with maximum resolution that doubles provides; tolerance are used only when tests ( EqualsTol, ... ) are used into internal algorithms to make decisions.


  • used to represent 3d coordinate ( X, Y, Z ) but used also to keep dummy 2d coordinate ( X, Y, 0 )
  • length of a vector3d is the distance of the point from wcs origin (0,0,0)


  • defined by a From vector3d ( line application point ) and an extension from there through a vector V
  • To = From + V
  • line3d can be created giving (From, To) or (From, V) specifying overriden method with Line3DConstructMode.PointAndVector
  • extension methods allow to create line from a vector p and using
    • p.LineTo(Vector3D to)
    • p.LineV(Vector3D v) : To = p+v
    • p.LineDir(Vector3D dir, double len) : To = p + dir * len
  • line3d represent an infine line, semiline or segment depending on the usage, for example intersect methods allow to specify the behavior ( default: infinite lines )


  • circle3d inherit from arc3d
  • arc is defined in the range [AngleFrom, AngleTo) rotating right-hand over its coordinate system zaxis
  • arc angles are normalized so that they fall into range [0, 2pi)


  • defined by vector3d origin, basex, basey, basez
  • origin is used in vectro3d ToUCS(), ToWCS() methods to translate between different ucs origins ( WCS origin is 0,0,0 )
  • basex,y,z are linearly independant normalized vector3d
  • CS can be built in various manners
    • by giving an origin and a single vector3D (the normal) then by using an arbitrary axis algorithm it detects appropriate x-y axes. ( used in dxf for example because allow to save 1 vector3d )
    • by giving an origin and two vectors v1, v2 by specifying a SmartCsMode to instruct the wizard on how to consider these in relationship ( normally the smart mode X_YQ consider that v1 is the wanted X axis while v2 is in the xy plane and must not be parallel to the first v1; to obtain a numerical stable cs the angle v1,v2 should near to PI/2 but this depend on the application you are working on, in some cases 5-10deg could enough to compute the normal, then yaxis will be back computed from the z cross x ).
    • by giving origin and normalized base vectors


  • actually implements only planar loop with edges such as Line3D, Arc3D.
  • edges inside loop are ensured to be ordered.


  • can have one or more loops; first loop is the outer.
  • supports boolean ( intersection, difference, union ) of 3d planar loop faces.


  • is an interface for Loop purpose implemented over basic entities such as Line3D and Arc3D


  • basic abstract type for geometries
  • contains definition of SGeomFrom and SGeomTo that will be used by inherited IEdge interface implemented objects such as Line3D and Arc3D and allow to state the sense of the edge
    • sense == true ⇒ SGeomFrom == GeomFrom ∧ SGeomTo == GeomTo
    • sense == false ⇒ SGeomFrom == GeomTo ∧ SGeomTo == GeomFrom

Unit tests

  • debugging unit tests
    • from vscode just run debug test from code lens balloon
  • executing all tests
    • from solution root folder dotnet test
  • testing coverage
    • from vscode run task ( ctrl+shift+p ) Tasks: Run Task then test with coverage or use provided script ./
    • extensions required to watch coverage ( Coverage Gutters )

How this project was built

mkdir netcore-sci
cd netcore-sci

mkdir src examples

cd src
dotnet new classlib -n netcore-sci
mv netcore-sci sci
cd ..

cd examples
dotnet new console --use-program-main -n example
mv example/example.csproj example/example-0001.csproj
mv example example-0001

dotnet new xunit -n test
cd test
dotnet add reference ../sci/netcore-sci.csproj
# enable test coverage collector
# to view in vscode ( "Coverage Gutters" ext ) run `./test-coverage` then `C-S-p` Coverage Gutters: Watch
dotnet add package coverlet.collector
dotnet add package coverlet.msbuild
cd ..

cd ..

dotnet new sln
dotnet sln add src/sci src/test
dotnet sln add examples/example-0001 examples/example-0002 examples/example-0003
dotnet build

Documentation (github pages)

Configured through Settings/Pages on Branch docs ( path /docs ).

  • while main branch exclude "docs" with .gitignore the docs branch doesn't

Build and view locally

./doc serve

Build and commit into docs branch

./doc commit


iot-sci is a c++ port of this library.