Alpine LAMP stack with php8 mysql and phpmyadmin
Docker image
clone this repository
after that you can start lamp server by running
lampine start
edit ~/.lampinerc
or run
lampine config
edit files in $etc_dir
default path of etc_dir is
after editing apache and php configuration files you need reload apache to reload apache run this command
lampine reload
open http://localhost/phpmyadmin
url in your browser
lampine (start|stop|config|status|reload|sh) [local_port:port]
lampine start 8000:8000
lampine start
** local_port:port ** is optional for exposing additional port
start: starts lamp server
stop: stops lamp server
config: to change default directories path and default ports
status: show server (container) status
sh: open an interactive shell (as local user id) attached to container
shroot: open an intractive shell as root user attached to container
reload: reload apache server