相关项目 devlink-cli 、 devlink-web 、devlink-server
cli tool for mange materials
~ devlink
Usage: devlink <command> [options]
-V, --version output the version number
--debug 打开调试模式
-h, --help display help for command
init [options] [type] 物料初始化
login 登录
logout 退出
whoami 查询个人信息
settings [options] 个性化配置
clean [options] 清空缓存文件
help [command] display help for command
npm install -g @devlink/cli
yarn global add @devlink/cli
Select the project you want to initialize through the command line
devlink init
Force empty current directory
devlink init --force
clear cache
The templates downloaded by the scaffolding will be cached locally for faster initialization for the second time. If some impact is caused by this, you can manually delete the cache.
devlink clean
In debug mode, you can view more installation information to troubleshoot errors
devlink --debug
If you want to add your template, please write your warehouse address in pr
such as
devlink init --packagePath /Users/bowling/code/devlinks/devlink-cli/packages/init --debug