REST API microservice for managing small pieces of data
npm start
Starts the server in production mode. Append ':mock' if you would like to use Basic Auth. -
npm run dev
Starts the server in development mode for better logging and automatic restart when files insrc
folder are changed. Append ':mock' if you would like to use Basic Auth. -
npm run debug
Starts the server in dev mode and allows for debugger to be added - Start via VSCodeDebug
. Append ':mock' if you would like to use Basic Auth. -
npm run test:integration
Run HURL integration tests. Requires app to be running -
npm run test
Run jest unit tests -
npm run test:watch
Rerun tests after every file save -
npm run coverage
Display unit test coverage -
npm run lint
Checks for any errors or warnings via ESLint
You can use docker-compose with a script for DynamoDB and S3 setup locally.
docker-compose up -d
If you would like to have MinIO for monitoring local S3, run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.local.yml up -d
Keep the project clean
Source code insrc
, config to root -
Prettier is set up, so everything will be formatted upon saving