This colleaction of packages allows you to quickly spin up Docker resources to test your projects with.
Simply implement IClassFixture and then start the resource like this:
public class RedisFixtureTests : IClassFixture<RedisFixture>
public RedisFixtureTests(RedisFixture redisFixture)
var client = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync("localhost:" + fixture.Ports.Single());
You can also build and run instances of your own VS projects like this:
public class ExampleProjectTests : IClassFixture<ExampleTestFixture>
private readonly ExampleTestFixture fixture;
public ExampleProjectTests(ExampleTestFixture fixture)
fixture.Start(new ExampleTestFixtureOptions()).Wait();
public class ExampleTestFixtureOptions : FixtureOptions
public override IDockerImageProvider ImageProvider { get; } = new DockerProjectImageProvider(nameof(ExampleProjectNs));
public class ExampleTestFixture : BaseFixture<ExampleTestFixtureOptions>
// etc
Or you can build and run other dockerized resources like this:
public class ReadDataFromDb : IClassFixture<MsSqlFixture>
public ReadDataFromDb(MsSqlFixture fixture)
fixture.Start(new CustomMsSqlFixtureOptions()).Wait();
public class CustomMsSqlFixtureOptions : MsSqlFixtureOptions
public CustomMsSqlFixtureOptions()
ImageProvider = new DockerfileImageProvider("example_database", ".",
new ImageBuildParameters
BuildArgs = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"PASSWORD", this.SaPassword},
{"DATABASE","test" }
public override IDockerImageProvider ImageProvider { get; }
The corresponding Dockerfile contains:
LABEL project=example_database
Take a look at the Examples folder or the integration tests for each project for more examples.
Nuget packages are available here