vdt.deployment provides a command line tool for deploying VM's in Cloudstack with a puppet role. The puppet role defines the installation and configuration of the server. For example a server with the role lvs will be installed and configured as an lvs load balancer.
Deployment of a server is a 3 phase process.
- Create vm with cloudstack api.
- Boot vm and run cloud-init to initialize the base ubuntu installation. cloud-init will also install puppet.
- puppet will start and choose the correct manifests based on the puppet role. Puppet will install and configure the machine and register with the load balancer.
.. index:: Configuration, vdt.deploy; configuration
vdt.deploy uses a configuration file located at:
Initially vdt.deploy will create this file for you but not configured yet:
apiurl = http://example.com:8080/client/api
apikey =
secretkey =
domainid = 29
zoneid = 6
templateid = 392
serviceid = 17
cloudinit_puppet = http://example.com/vdt-puppet-agent.cloudinit
cloudinit_base = http://example.com/vdt-base.cloudinit
puppetmaster =
puppetmaster_verified = 0
cleanup_timeout = 20
You've got to enter your cloudstack apikey and secretkey. Options are:
apiurl: The full url of the cloudstack api in your domain. apikey: The api key of your cloudstack domain. secretkey: The secretkey of your cloudstack domain. domainid: The numeric id of your domain. zoneid: The numeric id of the zone your domain belongs to. templateid: The id of the vm template with your base installation. serviceid: The service offering id. Default it will be a small installation. (2 cores, 5 GB of RAM) cloudinit_puppet: The cloud-init configuration for installations that are completed using a puppet agent. cloudinit_base: The cloud-init configuration for installations that are need to be completed manually (eg. puppetmaster) puppetmaster: The FQDN of the puppetmaster. This will be passed as userdata to the deployed machines so they can find the puppetmaster. puppetmaster_verified: Defaults to zero and should be set to 1 if you are sure you run the deployment tool on the puppetmaster cleanup_timeout: If a host requires cleanup to run before destroying, only wait cleanup_timeout seconds before continuing the destruction process.
.. index:: Usage, vdt.deploy; usage
Now that vdt.deploy is configured to use the proper coudstack domain, it is ready for use. vdt.deploy can run in both single command as interactive mode.
Let's start with interactive mode:
python deploy.py deploy> deploy> help Documented commands (type help <topic>): ======================================== deploy kick portfw reboot request start stop destroy list quit release ssh status Undocumented commands: ====================== help deploy>
.. index:: single: vdt.deploy; help
Typing help
shows you all available commands. typing:
deploy> help <commandname>
shows you what a command does and what parameters it requires:
deploy> help status Shows running instances, specify 'all' to show all instances Usage:: deploy> status [all] deploy>
So status will show you the running instances.
.. index:: single: vdt.deploy; status single: vdt.deploy; deploy single: vdt.deploy; destroy single: vdt.deploy; start single: vdt.deploy; stop single: vdt.deploy; reboot single: vdt.deploy; list single: vdt.deploy; request single: vdt.deploy; release single: vdt.deploy; portfw single: vdt.deploy; ssh single: vdt.deploy; kick single: vdt.deploy; quit single: vdt.deploy; mco
The help for each command is shown below, but the names of the commands are prefixed with 'do'. (Not in github readme).
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_status
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_deploy
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_start
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_stop
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_reboot
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_destroy
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_list
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_request
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_release
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_portfw
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_ssh
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_kick
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_quit
.. automethod:: vdt.deployplugin.cloudstack.provider.Provider.do_mco
Most of the stuff in the settings file can be overridden per session or per command with a flag. Here is the output of vdt-deploy -h which let's you know how it works:
usage: vdt-deploy [-h] [--gen-config GEN_CONFIG] [--provider PROVIDER] [--puppetmaster PUPPETMASTER] [--verified PUPPETMASTER_VERIFIED] [--cleanup-timeout CLEANUP_TIMEOUT] [--apiurl APIURL] [--apikey APIKEY] [--secretkey SECRETKEY] [--domainid DOMAINID] [--templateid TEMPLATEID] [--serviceid SERVICEID] [--cloudinit CLOUDINIT_PUPPET] [command [command ...]] Deployment tool for deploying VM's with puppet positional arguments: command the command to run. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --gen-config GEN_CONFIG Generate a config file at ~/.vdtdeployment.cfg for the specified provider. --provider PROVIDER Override provider. --puppetmaster PUPPETMASTER Override puppetmaster. --verified PUPPETMASTER_VERIFIED Override the puppetmaster verified flag. --cleanup-timeout CLEANUP_TIMEOUT Override the mcollective cleanup timeout. (runs when destroying a VM) --apiurl APIURL Override the api url. --apikey APIKEY Override the api key. --secretkey SECRETKEY Override the secret key. --domainid DOMAINID Override the domain. --templateid TEMPLATEID Override the template. --serviceid SERVICEID Override the service offering. --cloudinit CLOUDINIT_PUPPET Override the cloudinit file.
In your virtualenv first install python-lockfile:
pip install -e git+ssh://git@github.com/devopsconsulting/python-mutexlock.git#egg=mutexlock
The install this egg as a development egg:
python setup.py develop
You van run these tests by installing nose and mox:
pip install nose pip install mox
Run the tests as following :
nosetests -s --verbosity=2 vdt/deploy/tests