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Redux Store

Sahar Mehrpour edited this page Jul 22, 2022 · 3 revisions
initial_state = {
    ws: null,
    ruleTable: [
            index: "1",
            title: "",
            description: "",
            tags: [],
            grammar: "",
            checkForFilesFolders: [""],
            checkForFilesFoldersConstraints: "INCLUDE", // or EXCLUDE
            processFilesFolders: "WITHIN",
            quantifierXPathQuery: [],
            constraintXPathQuery: [],

            quantifierQueryType: "",
            constraintQueryType: "",

            rulePanelState: {
                editMode: false,
                title: "",
                description: "",
                ruleTags: [],
                folderConstraint: "",
                filesFolders: [],
                constraintXPath: "",
                quantifierXPath: "",
                autoCompleteArray: [],
                graphicalEditorState: {guiTree: {...initial_graphicalElementTree}, guiElements: {...initial_graphicalElements}, ruleType: ""}
            xPathQueryResult: [{
                data: {
                    quantifierResult: [{filePath: "", snippet: "", xml: {fileName: "", xml: ""}}],
                    satisfied: 0,
                    satisfiedResult: [],
                    violated: 0,
                    violatedResult: []
                filePath: ""
    tagTable: [{tagName: "", detail: ""}],
    xmlFiles: [{filePath: "", xml: ""}],
    projectHierarchy: {
	    children:  [{canonicalPath:"",fileName: "", fileType: "", isDirectory: false, name: "", parent:""},{}],
	    properties: {
		    canonicalPath: "",
			isDirectory:  true,
			name: "",
			parent:  ""
    projectPath: "",
    currentHash: ["index"],
    ignoreFileChange: false, // ignore the file switching in the IDE
    displayEditRuleTutorial: true, // display the tour guide for edit rule
    message: "init",
    openFilePath: "",
    hashManager: {
        history: ["#/index"],
        activeHashIndex: 0,
        forwardDisable: "disabled",
        backDisable: "disabled",
        clickedOnButtons: false // used only in the reducer
    rulePadState: {
        isEditMode: false,
        title: "",
        description: "",
        ruleTags: [],
        folderConstraint: "",
        filesFolders: [],

        autoCompleteArray: [],
        quantifierXPath: "", // only produced by autoComplete grammar
        constraintXPath: "", // only produced by autoComplete grammar
        sentMessages: [],
        receivedMessages: [],

        graphicalEditorState: {
            ruleType: "", // "Must" or "MustBeEqualTo"
            guiTree: {...initial_graphicalElementTree},
            guiElements: {...initial_graphicalElements}

    // mining Rules *
    minedRulesState: {
        // see miningRulesCore/extractFeatures/createFeatureMetaDataMap()
        featureMetaData: {
            featureInfoContainers: {
                featureInfo: {},
                featureInfoReverse: {},
                featureMap: {},
                featureMapReverse: {}
            featureGroups: {spec: {}, usage: {}}
        groupingMetaData: {
            groupMapping: {},
        focusedElementData: {
            filePath: "",
            identifier: "",
            mapFocusedElementToFeaturesKey: ""
        doiInformation: {
            recentVisitedFiles: [],
            recentSearches: [],
            recentVisitedElements: []
        minedRules: []
    featureSelection: {
        filePath: "",
        startOffset: "",
        endOffset: "",
        startLineOffset: "",
        lineNumber: "",
        lineText: "",
        selectedText: "",
        xpath: "",
        modifiedSelectedText: "",
        idMap: {},
        displayTextArray: []
Class Name Read Store Data Edit Store Data
App currentHash, loadingGif currentHash
WebSocketManager ignoreFileChange, projectPath, featureMetaData loadingGif, ws, projectHierarchy, projectPath, ruleTable, tagTable, openFilePath, ignoreFileChange, rulePadState.receivedMessages, xmlFiles, minedRulesState*, doiInformation*, featureSelection*
HeaderBar tagTable, currentHash, ws, projectPath, openFilePath
NavBar hashManager hashManager
RulePanel ruleTable, tagTable, currentHash, openFilePath, ws, message ignoreFileChange, rulePanelState, ruleTable
RuleTable rulePadState, ruleTable, currentHash, tagTable ruleTable, rulePanelState, ignoreFileChange
TableOfContents ruleTable, tagTable, currentHash ruleTable, rulePanelState, ignoreFileChange
RulePad ruleTable, tagTable, xmlFiles, ws, projectHierarchy, rulePadState, displayEditRuleTutorial ignoreFileChange, rulePadState, ruleTable, displayEditRuleTutorial
GraphicalEditor ruleTable, ws, rulePadState rulePadState, ruleTable
GenerateXPath ws rulePadState
LearnDesignRulesComponent* ws, xmlFiles, minedRulesState*, projectPath, message minedRulesState*
FeatureSelection* featureSelection*, projectPath, message featureSelection*, doiInformation*
  • The states and classes related to Mining Rules.
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