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Data & Tools for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada - Les Données et Outils pour Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada


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Field data tools for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

launch binder

Project pages

Quick start

Click the "launch binder" button in this document to open Jupyter and access the project files.

Look inside the notebook folder for Jupyter notebooks you can use.

If something in a notebook seems to have failed to load or display properly, try re-running the cells.

You can refresh the notebook's calculations and widgets in the menus at the top of the page: CellRun All.


In this release, only basic features are available, such as starting a Jupyter Notebook server to interact with the datasets that are included with this project.

Long term goals:

  • import data files with import/export helpers
  • pre-made "dashboard" notebooks, for data querying and analysis
  • export query results as files
  • support for data file formats in and out:
    • CSV (comma separated or tab separated)
    • Excel (Microsoft Office)
    • ODF (Open Document Format)
  • database of well-structured data for research
  • database management helper
  • REST API for remote access without Jupyter Notebook (usable by Access, Excel, and other applications)

About Bundled Datasets

Data files in this repository are from real research projects at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, and will be used in published papers. You can find them in notebook/src/.

About Jupyter Notebook

Description from

The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. Uses include: data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.


You can try Jupyter now, to get a feel for it. Various languages are available, including Python, R, and Julia.

Using Jupyter Notebook with this project

To use Jupyter Notebook with the tools and example data in this project, you can do one of the following:

  • upload your notebooks and data to GitHub (like this project)
  • use the "upload" button on any Jupyter server
  • start your own Jupyter server on your computer

In the cloud:

Access this repository on right now:

launch binder

Recommended for:

  • sharing notebooks
  • working anywhere Advantages:

  • can open notebooks, code, and data files from any GitHub repository
  • no software installation required
  • free to use
  • available anywhere with a browser Disadvantages:

  • the workspace is destroyed after a certain period of inactivity
  • changes you make during a session don't automatically transfer back to the repository from which they originally came

On your computer: Docker launched by repo2docker

Recommended for:

  • making technical changes to this project
  • maintaining total privacy

Docker advantages:

  • automatically shares files between your computer and the containerized Jupyter Notebook file system, so your work persists between sessions
  • all files are under your control, and stay on your computer unless you send them elsewhere
  • can be accessed without an ongoing connection to the Internet

Docker disadvantages:

  • requires Docker to be installed on your computer, which requires administrator access
  • doesn't automatically publish or help you share your work

Prerequisites for using repo2docker

  • Docker
  • Python 3

Installing Docker

To get Docker on your system, go to the Docker Store and follow the appropriate steps depending on which edition of Docker is the best fit. For most cases, when running Docker on your personal or work computer, the Community Edition is sufficient.

You can also download the Community Edition of Docker for your specific operating system instead of entering through the Docker Store, if that's all you need. Instructions will be provided there.

Installing Python

Many operating systems come with Python, so you may not need to install. Check your Python version before deciding to download.

If you type this command and see something similar, you're good to go!

$ python3 --version
Python 3.6.3

If you see an error about a missing file or unknown command, you don't have Python 3 ready to use. Downloading the newest release may be a good idea.

python3: command not found

To download and install Python for your operating system, see:

Installing repo2docker

Once Python 3 is ready to use, install repo2docker. Instructions are at:

At the moment, these are the recommended instructions from that page:

We recommend installing repo2docker with the pip tool:

python3 -m pip install jupyter-repo2docker

For information on using repo2docker, see Using repo2docker.

Starting the notebook server with repo2docker

On your computer, open a shell terminal. On the command line, from within the project directory, execute the command that's appropriate for your operating system.

Linux, BSD, macOS:

jupyter-repo2docker --image-name jupyter-server -v $PWD:/home/$USER .


jupyter-repo2docker --image-name jupyter-server -v $CD:/home/$USERNAME .

The first time you run this command, the necessary image will be built, which may take a few minutes. After a while, some text will appear, containing the URL to visit in your web browser to start your session with Jupyter Notebook.

    Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
    to login with a token:

Copy the entire URL from your console, beginning with http:, including the ?token=… part, and paste it into your browser's URL bar to go that address. At this point, you're not on the Web, but your own computer, which has a "web server" for you. You should see a file browser page with the Jupyter logo on it, and your project files.
