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Blueprint Extensions

Blueprint Extensions adds a few useful utilities for blueprint placement and management:

  • Blueprint Updater: While holding a prepared blueprint, press SHIFT + U to create a Blueprint Updater. Drag this across your screen like you would to make a blueprint and it will create a new blueprint using the same label and icons as the previous blueprint. Additionally, if the previous blueprint ended with "v.###", the version number will be incremented (this behavior can be changed in settings).

  • Blueprint Snap: While holding a prepared blueprint, use the numpad (by default) to snap the blueprint to a specific corner or edge. This is useful if you can't fit a large blueprint entirely on screen and need to make it align against some existing structure -- i.e. for tiling solar layouts.

The following would duplicate widely available functionality in other mods and thus is not currently included:

Known Issues

  • Blueprint Updaters are tied to the last blueprint you had selected when you created one -- not the blueprint you had when that specific updater was created. There currently does not exist a way to associate data with a specific updater and still have it function as a selection tool.

  • Blueprint Snap is unable to factor in the rotation setting due to modding API limitations. Thus, snapping to the north edge of a blueprint will snap to the north edge of the blueprint in its native rotation -- not the current on-screen one. The functionality is still fully useable, it just may require a bit of "Which key do I actually need to hit" confusion.

Unknown Issues

Found a bug? Please visit the Issues page to see if it has already been reported, and report it at that page if not. The Mod Portal does not notify of new posts on the discussion page, and messages posted there will likely be ignored.


0.2.1 (2018-04-24)

  • Actually correctly flip splitters like we said we do. Somehow in optimizing the original code I completely forgot to actually implement this.

0.2.0 (2018-04-23)

  • Added and reworked the blueprint flipping and turning functionality in the Blueprint Flipper and Turner mod, including a fix to priority splitters.
    • This functionality is disabled if Blueprint Flipper and Turner is enabled to avoid possible conflicts.
    • The GUI buttons for flipping blueprints can be disabled in mod settings. Note this has no effect if Blueprint Flipper and Turner is disabled.
  • Internal reworking of code to be better organized.

0.1.1 (2017-12-17)

  • Added blueprint versioning.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to blueprint-update an area with no entities or tiles to blueprint in it.

0.1.0 (2017-12-17)

  • First release, with Blueprint Snap and Blueprint Updater functions.