This API documentation is available online at for all releases of the MongoDB Ruby driver. Please reference the exact version of the documentation that matches the release of the Ruby driver that you are using. Note that the Ruby Language Center for MongoDB has a link to API Documentation for the current release.
If you have the source, you can generate the matching documentation by typing
$ rake docs
Once generated, the API documentation can be found in the docs/ folder.
This is the 10gen-supported Ruby driver for MongoDB.
For the api reference please see the API
The wiki has other articles of interest, including:
- A tutorial.
- Replica Sets in Ruby.
- Write Concern in Ruby.
- Tailable Cursors in Ruby.
- Read Preference in Ruby.
- GridFS in Ruby.
- Frequently Asked Questions.
- History.
- Release plan.
- Credits.
Here's a quick code sample. Again, see the MongoDB Ruby Tutorial for much more:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mongo'
include Mongo
@client ='localhost', 27017)
@db = @client['sample-db']
@coll = @db['test']
3.times do |i|
@coll.insert({'a' => i+1})
puts "There are #{@coll.count} records. Here they are:"
@coll.find.each { |doc| puts doc.inspect }
The driver works and is consistently tested on Ruby 1.8.7 and 1.9.3 as well as JRuby 1.6.x and 1.7.x.
Note that if you're on 1.8.7, be sure that you're using a patchlevel >= 249. There are some IO bugs in earlier versions.
$ gem update --system
$ gem install mongo
For a significant performance boost, you'll want to install the C extension:
$ gem install bson_ext
Note that bson_ext isn't used with JRuby. Instead, we use some native Java extensions are bundled with the bson gem. If you ever need to modify these extensions, you can recompile with the following rake task:
$ rake compile:jbson
The source code is available at You can either clone the git repository or download a tarball or zip file. Once you have the source, you can use it from wherever you downloaded it or you can install it as a gem from the source by typing:
$ rake install
For extensive examples, see the MongoDB Ruby Tutorial.
The Ruby driver include two abstractions for storing large files: Grid and GridFileSystem.
The Grid class is a Ruby implementation of MongoDB's GridFS file storage specification. GridFileSystem is essentially the same, but provides a more filesystem-like API and assumes that filenames are unique.
An instance of both classes represents an individual file store. See the API reference for details.
# Write a file on disk to the Grid
file ='image.jpg')
grid =
id = grid.put(file)
# Retrieve the file
file = grid.get(id)
# Get all the file's metata
The driver is thread-safe.
The driver implements connection pooling. By default, only one socket connection will be opened to MongoDB. However, if you're running a multi-threaded application, you can specify a maximum pool size and a maximum timeout for waiting for old connections to be released to the pool.
To set up a pooled connection to a single MongoDB instance:
@client ="localhost", 27017, :pool_size => 5, :timeout => 5)
Though the pooling architecture will undoubtedly evolve, it currently owes much credit to the connection pooling implementations in ActiveRecord and PyMongo.
Certain Ruby application servers work by forking, and it has long been necessary to re-establish the child process's connection to the database after fork. But with the release of v1.3.0, the Ruby driver detects forking and reconnects automatically.
will use ENV["MONGODB_URI"]
if no other args are provided.
The URI must fit this specification:
If the type of connection (direct or replica set) should be determined entirely from ENV["MONGODB_URI"]
, you may want to use Mongo::MongoClient.from_uri
because it will return either Mongo::MongoClient
or a Mongo::MongoReplicaSetClient
depending on how many hosts are specified. Trying to use
with multiple hosts in ENV["MONGODB_URI"]
will raise an exception.
The BSON ("Binary JSON") format used to communicate with Mongo requires that strings be UTF-8 (
Ruby 1.9 has built-in character encoding support. All strings sent to Mongo and received from Mongo are converted to UTF-8 when necessary, and strings read from Mongo will have their character encodings set to UTF-8.
When used with Ruby 1.8, the bytes in each string are written to and read from Mongo as is. If the string is ASCII, all is well, because ASCII is a subset of UTF-8. If the string is not ASCII, it may not be a well-formed UTF-8 string.
The _id
field is a primary key. It is treated specially by the database, and
its use makes many operations more efficient. The value of an _id may be of
any type. The database itself inserts an _id value if none is specified when
a record is inserted.
A primary key factory is a class you supply to a DB object that knows how to generate _id values. If you want to control _id values or even their types, using a PK factory lets you do so.
You can tell the Ruby Mongo driver how to create primary keys by passing in the :pk option to the MongoClient#db method.
include Mongo
db ='localhost', 27017).db('dbname', :pk =>
A primary key factory object must respond to :create_pk, which should take a hash and return a hash which merges the original hash with any primary key fields the factory wishes to inject.
NOTE: if the object already has a primary key, the factory should not inject a new key; this means that the object may already exist in the database. The idea here is that whenever a record is inserted, the :pk object's +create_pk+ method will be called and the new hash returned will be inserted.
Here is a sample primary key factory, taken from the tests:
class TestPKFactory
def create_pk(doc)
doc['_id'] ||=
Here's a slightly more sophisticated one that handles both symbol and string keys. This is the PKFactory that comes with the MongoRecord code (an ActiveRecord-like framework for non-Rails apps) and the AR Mongo adapter code (for Rails):
class PKFactory
def create_pk(doc)
return doc if doc[:_id]
doc.delete(:_id) # in case it exists but the value is nil
doc['_id'] ||=
A database's PK factory object may be set either when a DB object is created or immediately after you obtain it, but only once. The only reason it is changeable at all is so that libraries such as MongoRecord that use this driver can set the PK factory after obtaining the database but before using it for the first time.
NOTE: Support for strict mode has been deprecated and will be removed in version 2.0 of the driver.
Each database has an optional strict mode. If strict mode is on, then asking for a collection that does not exist will raise an error, as will asking to create a collection that already exists. Note that both these operations are completely harmless; strict mode is a programmer convenience only.
To turn on strict mode, either pass in :strict => true when obtaining a DB
object or call the :strict=
db ='localhost', 27017).db('dbname', :strict => true)
# I'm feeling lax
db.strict = false
# No, I'm not!
db.strict = true
The method DB#strict? returns the current value of that flag.
Cursors are enumerable (and have a #to_a method).
The query doesn't get run until you actually attempt to retrieve data from a cursor.
Cursors will timeout on the server after 10 minutes. If you need to keep a cursor open for more than 10 minutes, specify
:timeout => false
when you create the cursor.
The Ruby driver support timeouts on socket read operations. To enable them, set the
option when you create a Mongo::MongoClient
If implementing higher-level timeouts, using tools like Rack::Timeout
, it's very important
to call Mongo::MongoClient#close
to prevent the subsequent operation from receiving the previous
Before running the tests, make sure you install all test dependencies by running:
$ gem install bundler; bundle install
To run all default test suites (without the BSON extensions) just type:
$ rake test
If you want to run the default test suite using the BSON extensions:
$ rake test:ext
These will run both unit and functional tests. To run these tests alone:
$ rake test:unit
$ rake test:functional
To run any individual rake tasks with the BSON extension disabled, just pass BSON_EXT_DISABLED=true to the task:
$ rake test:unit BSON_EXT_DISABLED=true
If you want to test replica set, you can run the following task:
$ rake test:replica_set
To run a single test at the top level, add -Itest since we no longer modify LOAD_PATH:
$ ruby -Itest -Ilib test/bson/bson_test.rb
To run a single test from the test directory, add -I. since we no longer modify LOAD_PATH:
$ ruby -I. -I../lib bson/bson_test.rb
To run a single test from its subdirectory, add -I.. since we no longer modify LOAD_PATH:
$ ruby -I.. -I../../lib bson_test.rb
To fix the following error on Mac OS X - "/.../lib/bson_ext/cbson.bundle: [BUG] Segmentation fault":
$ rake compile
See history.
See credits.
Copyright (C) 2008-2013 10gen Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.