A toy MC kinematics model to emulate proton-proton (pp) collisions, (S) intermediate scalars and final hidden particles. This package includes emulations of pp to ppS(ZX) or pp to ppS(HX) where S decays to [H(bbar) || Z(MuMu||EE)] + X(NuNu). The configuration files placed in "test/" folder are able to generate LHE files, which are used within CMSSW framework to produce a fully detector simulated sample, including a fast simulation of the protons detected by PPS roman pots.
The package to generate a full CMS sample is placed here.
Install CMSSW, clone the repo and compile the package.
cmsrel CMSSW_10_6_17
cd CMSSW_10_6_17/src
git clone https://github.com/dfigueiredo/ppXToyMC
scram b -j 8
cd test/
cmsRun XHToyMC_LHE.py (or XZToyMC_LHE.py) Mass=800 (by default this parameter is 900 GeV)
In case you would like to change other MC generator parameters, edit the file python/PPSToyMcLHE_XH_cfi.py or python/PPSToyMcLHE_XZ_cfi.py for each decay case.
There is a script "test/GenParticleShow.py" that can be used to cross check your CMSSW GEN collection. It is possible to printout the protons, particle flow (PF) and GenJets kinematics. Furthermore, a tree file is produced for futher analysis. Another tool is the script "RecoParticleShow.py" which produces a ttree in which the GEN and RECO objects are matched by a cone.
cd test/
cmsRun GenParticleShow.py || RecoParticleShow.py
There are options flags that can be used:
process.genParticle = cms.EDAnalyzer("GenParticleShow",
GenPartTag = cms.InputTag('genParticles'||'prunedGenParticles'),
GenJetTag = cms.InputTag('ak4GenJets'||'slimmedGenJets'),
EBeam = cms.double(6500.),
DebugProtons = cms.bool(True),
DebugPF = cms.bool(True),
DebugJets = cms.bool(True)
process.recoParticle = cms.EDAnalyzer("RecoParticleShow",
RecoPartTag = cms.InputTag('particleFlow'),
RecoJetTag = cms.InputTag('ak4PFJets'),
GenPartTag = cms.InputTag('genParticles'||'prunedGenParticles'),
GenJetTag = cms.InputTag('ak4GenJets'||'slimmedGenJets'),
EBeam = cms.double(6500.),
MatchingMC = cms.bool(True), # choose or not to match the GEN and RECO objects
DebugProtons = cms.bool(False),
DebugPF = cms.bool(False),
DebugJets = cms.bool(False)
Root command examples how to plot histograms from the produced ttrees, can be seen bellow:
root -l gen_output.root || reco_output.root
_file0->cd("genParticle"); || _file0->cd("recoParticle");