This is a module showcasing how to signed an EOS transaction with WebAuthN.
EOSIO WebAuthN signing only accepts signing data from an HTTPS
website. We use
mkcert to make that easy to work with.
mkcert -install
Should register the ./localhost.pem
file as a valid SSL local certificate. If it's
not the case, you can re-generate everything with:
mkcert localhost
mkcert -install
Start with installing dependencies, noteworthy, this examples depends on eosjs
version 21.0.1-rc2
yarn install
Once you have the dependencies installed on your local workstation, you will need to generate a proper WebAuthN key that can be later attached to an account.
For this, you use the yarn generate
command, this opens up a Browser that
will generate a new valid EOSIO WebAuthN public key. The private key is kept
in the Browser paired with a unique identifier for when we will signing something.
The key and everything used to generate it and to later on sign transaction is stored
in a JSON file in the same directory used to run the script. You will need this file
later when we will send a transfer signed with the generated WebAuthN key. Run this
command to generate a key, you will need to have a USB Security Key plug-in your computer
for the example to work properly:
yarn generate
Once you have the public key, it's written on disk, re-generating it overwrite the current one.
To sign a transfer, use:
yarn transfer
Which generates the required transaction data to sign, open a Browser with a given URL containing information about the transaction to sign, perform the signing of the transaction in the Browser and returns all that to our local server that complete the transaction pushing on our local node.
All most configuration values can be changed by specifying the corresponding
environment variable of the variable, check src/server.ts (Line 12 through 18)
for variables that can be overridden. Here the list for a yarn transfer
EOSIO_FROM_ACCOUNT="maouehmaoueh" \
EOSIO_ACTOR_ACCOUNT="maouehmaoueh" \
KEYS_DB_FILE_PATH="./webauthn_keys_db.json" \
yarn transfer
Hopefully, all works out of the box, but nothing is less sure than that!