Some simple proof of concept IRC bots built on Bot::BasicBot
One is a greeter bot (it just says hi)
One is a spell checker bot (it checks your psellling)
One is a dictionary bot (it looks up word definitions) if you use this, get your own API key
One is a bare-bones bot that takes plugins in the form of Moose roles (examples provided)
Note to developers: If using Par::Packer (pp) to compile your bot and its plugins, you'll need to do it like the example below:
pp -I . \
-M Bot::BasicBot \
-M POE::Pipe::TwoWay \
-M DFWpm::BotPlugin \
-M DFWpm::BotPlugin::Spelling \
-M DFWpm::BotPlugin::Dictionary \
-M DFWpm::BotPlugin::Greeter \
-o borgbot