Repo for user portal of CS258 project.
The professor portal can be accessed here
Create an empty folder and cd into it
Git Clone the paathshaala-user repo.
Git Clone the paathshaala-professor repo.
To run user portal:
cd paathshaala-user
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate # if you're on windows run the following command instead
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
mkdir temp(if temp does not exist)
mkdir static_material(if static_material folder does not exist already)
cd paathshaala-user
The user portal can be opened up at localhost:5001
To run tests on the app, run the following commands(in the root folder of app)
source venv/bin/activate
venv\Scripts\activate.bat# if you're on windows run the following command instead of above
pip install -e .
export testing=true
then just a simple pytest -v
will run all the functional and unit tests.
After you are done testing make sure to run export testing=false