An application for users to create multiple lists of books from the Google Books API.
The deployed version can be found at:
- Node 0.10.x
- MYSQL 5.x
- npm 2.10.x
Step 1: Clone the repo to a local directory on your computer
$ git clone
Step 2: Install Dependencies
$ npm install
Step 3: Open a new terminal window to start mySQL and log in
$ mysql.server start
$ mysql -u root
Step 4: Create a local database called 'booklists' from within mySQL
mysql> CREATE DATABASE booklists;
mysql> use booklists;
Step 5: Set up your NODE_ENV variable for the development environment
run "$export NODE_ENV=development"
Step 6: Run server.js from the server directory
$ node server/server.js
Step 7: Navigate to localhost:5000 and signup for an account!
- Notifications for when books are successfully added to the list.
- Error messages when user does not have a list or book has already been added. Also, for login and signup.
- View additional book information upon selection.
- Removing books form lists
- Addings books after clicking on a newly created list.