Create an app that shows a simple list of items based on the following endpoint:
The app should show the following data :
- Title (at its full length, so take this into account when sizing your cells)
- Part of description
- A thumbnail for those who have a picture.
- Display a detail (with an image and full description) in a new screen when user taps on an item
To do this please follow this guidelines :
- Use github as VCS and share the code with us.
- For Android apps, use Java. For iOS, use Swift 4.
- Support portrait and landscape mode.
Some notes :
- If you don’t have the time to complete the full exercise, don’t worry. Just do your best in the time you have and then let us know.
- Keep in mind that some information from api could be wrong
- You can use any framework or library
- The assessment of the app won’t be only related to code quality but architecture design too.