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TLA+ specification for Succinct Atomic Swap smart contract


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TLA+ specification for Succinct Atomic Swap smart contract

This repository contains the TLA+ specification of the smart contract for Succinct Atomic Swaps that can be implemented on the blockchain platform that uses UTXO model such as Bitcoin on one side, and other blockchain platform that does not need to be based on UTXO model or have transaction timelock properties on the other side.

The contract was first described by Ruben Somsen in the post to bitcoin-dev mailing list

The specification can be found in SASwap.tla

Default values for constants can be found in MC.tla

Operators to show hyperproperties can be found in HyperProperties.tla

SASwap.pdf is the spec rendered with make pdf

What can be checked

Different safety invariants can be checked, by defining the operators representing the invariants in the invariants section of SASwap.tla and adding the corresponding INVARIANT line into SASwap.cfg (or in TLA+ toolbox model page)

Some interesting invariants that are enabled in SASwap.cfg:

  • NoConcurrentSecretKnowledge: If Alice knows both secrets, then Bob doesn't, and vise versa

  • NoSingleParticipantTakesAll: Neither participant can receive both A and B coins

  • NoConflictingTransactions: Conflicting transactions cannot simultaneoulsy be in confirmed blocks and the mempool, or in confirmed blocks and next block. There can be conflicts between transactions in the mempool and the next block if STEALTHY_SEND_POSSIBLE=TRUE

Temporal properties can be checked as well, although the checking speed is likely to be slower. The single temporal property that is now defined in SASwap.tla is ContractEventuallyFinished, which states that contract always eventually ends up in the "finished" state, be it successful swap, swap timed out, swap aborted, or "unnatural" contract ending (when Alice sends some transactions when she shouldn't, and loses funds as a result)

Besides safety properties and temporal properties, it is also possible to show the hyperproperties of the model. There's no convenient way to check these properties as far as I'm aware, but the information about them can be printed out, and the output can be analyzed manually or with some external script. The operators that can collect information about hyperproperties are defined in HyperProperties.tla, and information collection can be enabled by using these operators as CONSTRAINTS for the model checker. The operators will always return TRUE, so they will not actually constrain anything, but will print out the updates to the values they are designed to analyze. One useful operator there is ShowConfirmed, which, when enabled via CONSTRAINT, will print out the identifiers of the transactions that ever become confirmed in some execution path. This way, an observer can make sure that the model checking explores all relevant points.

Since TLC commit ced9269895aa6b760fa7d7a35fa61b43eb2a9a0a, it is possible to automatically check hyperproperties. See PostConditionForConfirmed in HyperProperties.tla and SASwap.cfg.


Only one miner in the model, so no reorgs

Reorgs are relevant only if we cannot say that "one block in the model means 6 bitcoin blocks" (or whatever reorg safety limit is acceptable)

Fees and mempool priorities are not modelled

Mempool priorities may be relevant because transaction being stuck unconfirmed or expunged from mempool might mean that participant misses deadline on important transaction confirmation, which leads to ability of a counterparty to take all funds. But at the same time, the task to confirm the transaction in time is the same in different stages of the contract for different transactions. We can therefore say that this is a concern of a lower level and can be modelled separately.

Only blockheight-based timelocks

Median-time-past based timelocks are not used in the contract modelled by this specification, and are used much less often in general.

There may be mistakes or omissions in the model

Reviews and corrections welcome! For extending the scope of the model, a new project may be better option, though.

There are likely more interesting safety invariants or temporal properties that can be added

Suggestions welcome!

Working with TLA spec from command line

To run TLC on the spec via included Makefile instead of TLA+ toolbox in unix-like environment, you need tla2tools.jar from or your local TLA+ toolbox installation.

Set environment variable TLATOOLSDIR to the path where tla2tools.jar is located.

Make sure you have java in your PATH

run make check to apply TLC checker

run make pdf to generate PDF file for the TLA+ specification (you need pdflatex to be in your PATH for that)

Note that when doing the model checking from the command line, if you will need to do an exploration of the state log in case some invariant or temporal property is violated, you will need the 1.7.0 of TLA+ tools. For earlier versions, you will need to use GUI of TLA+ toolbox.

You might want to look a the video of how to work with trace log exploration from command line. There's no specific target in Makefile for this at the moment.

Authors and contributors

The contract specification was created by Dmitry Petukhov based on the explanations and diagrams presented by Ruben Somsen


TLA+ specification for Succinct Atomic Swap smart contract




Unknown, MIT licenses found

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