Positive tweets words trending with Apache Storm
This project is a prototype integrating Twitter with Storm and HDFS
Storm topology business logic
- analyze in real-time stream of tweets written in English
- find positive tweets
- define words trending in predefined window interval
- writing results to HDFS
For tweets sentimental analysis I used https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/ open source library
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="com.davidgreenshtein.storm.twitter.TopologySentiment"
-Dexec.args="hdfs://[namenode host name]:8020 [hdfs output path] [hdfs user name] local"
storm jar twitter-sentiments-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
com.davidgreenshtein.storm.twitter.TopologySentiment \
hdfs://[namenode host name]:8020 \
[hdfs output path] \
[hdfs user name] \
distributed \
[properties file location path]