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dgtlmoon edited this page Jun 23, 2022 · 7 revisions

How to get a docker log

If you're running from the docker, it's as simple as calling this command:
docker logs &> logs.txt

No Notifications

Make sure you're not sending too long messages, as some notification targets do have message length limitations. (See )

For example, too long notification message submitted to the Telegram will produce the following error in the log file:

WARNING:apprise:Failed to send Telegram notification to {ID}: Bad Request: message is too long, error=400.
DEBUG:apprise:Response Details:
b'{"ok":false,"error_code":400,"description":"Bad Request: message is too long"}'

You can easily get out of length limitations is you're including {current_snapshot} into the Notification Body.

Code Changes Not Reflecting?

If you are making changes to your local repository and they are not showing up in the Docker image, try the following:

Make sure you’ve tried using Docker composer instead of Docker standalone:

$ docker-compose up -d

In the likely case that this doesn’t fix the issue, you will need to edit the docker-compose.yml file. Edit the services section so it looks like the following:

      build: .
      container_name: changedetection
      hostname: changedetection
        - changedetection-data:/datastore

Raspberry Pi specific

packages required when installing from PIP

apt-get install libxslt1 -y

Workaround for 'pyinit_main: can't initialize time' error on Raspberry Pi

When using or installing at the Raspberry Pi device, you can experience these errors:

  • docker-compose top or docker top do return:
    Error response from daemon: Container {CONTAINER_ID} is restarting, wait until the container is running    
  • docker logs &> logs.txt produces logs with the following error:
    pyinit_main: can't initialize time

As per, run these commands to workaround this problem:
sudo dpkg -i libseccomp2_2.5.1-1_armhf.deb