Releases: dhabensky/scoped-vm
Releases · dhabensky/scoped-vm
Version 1.0
Updated to androidx.fragment:fragment:1.1.0-alpha07
that fixes bug with backstack.
No breaking changes since 0.4.
Subscriptions not duplicated
Robust subscriptions management:
- no more duplicates
- subscription knows who has requested it
ScopedViewModelProviders now returns vanilla ViewModelProvider.
If you never used ScopedViewModelProvider class, there is no breaking changes.
Removed kotlin dependency
Min sdk reduced to 15.
Project rewriten in plain old java.
Removed all kotlin dependencies.
Renamed some classes and changed root package.
Api similar to classic ViewModelProviders
v0.2 Merge branch 'master' of
First version
v0.1 tidy dependencies; add publish config