Obiwan is a Transition-Manager written in Javascript that makes creating CSS3-Transitions as easy as possible. Write less CSS and create your Transitions on runtime.
Creating a new Transition is the first step for using the Obiwan-Transitionmanager.
var myTransition = new Obiwan.Transition()
####.delay This function sets the delay for the created transition it accepts string or numbers as value. String will be converted to milliseconds if possible.
myTransition.delay(10) //10 Milliseconds
myTransition.delay('50ms') //50 Milliseconds
myTransition.delay('2s') //2000 Milliseconds
If you call this function without parameters it will return the currently set value for the transition delay.
myTransition.delay() //will return Transition delay as number (milliseconds), default is 0
####.duration This function is very close to the .delay() function as it takes either a string or a number as parameter and sets the transition duration.
myTransition.duration(10) //10 Milliseconds
myTransition.duration('50ms') //50 Milliseconds
myTransition.duration('2s') //2000 Milliseconds
If you call this function without parameters it will return the currently set value for the transition duration.
myTransition.duration() //will return Transition delay as number (milliseconds), default is 50 This function sets the transition property, or the properties is multiple (as array) get passed in.'width');['width','background-color']);
If no parameters get passed in it'll return the currently set transition property //returns the property/ies default is 'all'
####.type Configures the animation type e.g: linear, ease, ease-in etc.
myTransition.type('linear') //sets animation type to linear
If no parameters are provided it'll return the currently set value.
myTransition.type() //returns the transition type, default is 'ease'
####.appendTo The appendTo function appends the transition to the provided element/s. You can pass in an element, a string starting with # for selecting a single element or a string starting with . for multiple elements. Selection goes per getElementById oder getElementsByClassName
myTransition.appendTo('#myElement'); //appends the transition to the element with given id
myTransition.appendTo('.myClass'); //appends the transition to all elements with this class
####.config The config function is a bundle of all previously mentioned functions, internally the functions for delay, duration, type and property get called. All the properties are optional - it's not neccessary to create every member
duration: 250,
delay: 25,
type. 'linear',
property: ['width', 'background-color'],
appendTo: '#myElement'
Like all functions before this one returns the config as object, if no parameters are provided.
####Hint Obwian's API is chainable
.property(['width', 'background-color'])