- Install all prerequisites
- Install the jekyll and bundler gems
gem install jekyll bundler
- Clone this repository
git clone git@github.com:mangliklab/mangliklab.github.io.git
- Change into your new directory
cd mangliklab.github.io
- Build the site and make it available on a local server
bundle exec jekyll serve
- Browse to
Please test your changes locally before pushing.
├── assets/
│ ├── css/
│ │ └── main.scss #used to increase the maximum width of text
│ │ #hurts readability but uses screen more efficiently
│ └── images/ #avoid anything over 1 MB unless necessary
│ ├── last-first.jpg #member headshots; aim for 500x500 px JPGs at <200 KB
│ └── schematic.png
├── \_config.yml #set global site properties
├── \_data/
│ ├── authors.yml #list of possible post authors; generates sidebar of post
│ │ #also used to generate member page in listed order
│ └── navigation.yml #sets the categories in the page headers
├── favicon.ico #the small square icon in the tab bar; ideally 256x256 px PNG
│ #browser caching behavior of favicons can be weird
├── Gemfile
├── Gemfile.lock #ignore; autogenerated by jekyll
├── .git/ #stores repo information, history, and branches
├── .gitignore #list of files that git shouldn't monitor
│ #generally, this should only include files you make
├── index.html #front page of the website
├── \_pages/ #creates various pages
│ ├── 404.md #creates the page displayed when the URL doesn't exist
│ ├── about.md
│ ├── category-archive.md
│ ├── members.md
│ ├── publications.md
│ ├── research.md
│ ├── tag-archive.md
│ └── year-archive.md
├── \_posts/ #each entry generates a post; some also generate a publication
│ │ #add "publication=true" to the front matter for publications
│ │ #files must be YYYY-MM-DD-short-summary.md; used to generate URL
│ ├── 2020-01-01-new-website.md
│ └── 2021-01-01-publication-1.md
├── README.md #this file
├── \_research/ #each file in this dir creates a section on the research page
│ ├── interest-1.md
│ └── interest-2.md
└── \_site #do not edit; autogenerated by jekyll's processing of the above