A set of PHP scripts used to obtain a CSV of user events per user ID from the Intercom Events API (not currently a feature in the API).
I had a data science project where I wanted to do user retention analysis using various algorithms e.g. logistic regression, random forest etc. - what was it that made a user "stick" in an app. I was using Intercom data of user IDs and different information for each user, including the number of Web Sessions (my y
The standard Intercom CSV export allows you to export "attributes" of a user - things like Country or Browser, and perhaps some custom attributes defined. However, you cannot do a CSV export of the "count" of events per user - things like "This user has clicked the PDF exports button 54 times in his/her lifetime vs. 23 for the other user".
I believed that knowing this information as a feature vector might be useful, especially for data driven product managers using Intercom. For example, if you know that a user transitions to becoming "Active" the moment he/she clicks the enterprise page 6 times, you could structure your roadmap around that information.
This set of scripts (including how I got to it) allow you to have an unlimited memory limit to get a CSV with user ID on the left column, and event name on the right column. This allows you to get a count of events per user, by user type, using a Pivottable. You can also make the script quicker by filtering by the event names you care about.
Thanks to the Intercom technical support team for helping me figure this out, especially Ed Fricker and Matthew Odette.