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Merge pull request #47 from diagrams/delayed-subtrees
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Delayed subtrees
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bergey committed Nov 14, 2013
2 parents 3ecf652 + e8c5265 commit f3551f7
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Showing 2 changed files with 79 additions and 17 deletions.
30 changes: 25 additions & 5 deletions src/Diagrams/Core/Compile.hs
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Expand Up @@ -35,19 +35,33 @@ import Data.Tree.DUAL
import Diagrams.Core.Transform
import Diagrams.Core.Types

emptyDTree :: Tree (DNode b v a)
emptyDTree = Node DEmpty []

-- | Convert a @QDiagram@ into a raw tree.
toDTree :: HasLinearMap v => QDiagram b v m -> Maybe (DTree b v ())
toDTree (QD qd)
= foldDUAL

-- Prims at the leaves. We ignore the accumulated
-- d-annotations, since we will instead distribute them
-- incrementally throughout the tree as they occur.
(\_ p -> Node (DPrim p) [])
-- Prims at the leaves. We ignore the accumulated d-annotations
-- for prims (since we instead distribute them incrementally
-- throughout the tree as they occur), or pass them to the
-- continuation in the case of a delayed node.
(\d -> withQDiaLeaf

-- Prim: make a leaf node
(\p -> Node (DPrim p) [])

-- Delayed tree: pass the accumulated d-annotations to
-- the continuation, convert the result to a DTree, and
-- splice it in, adding a DDelay node to mark the point
-- of the splice.
(Node DDelay . (:[]) . fromMaybe emptyDTree . toDTree . ($d))

-- u-only leaves --> empty DTree. We don't care about the
-- u-annotations.
(Node DEmpty [])

-- a non-empty list of child trees.
(\ts -> case NEL.toList ts of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +113,12 @@ fromDTree = fromDTree' mempty
fromDTree' accTr (Node (DTransform (tr1 :| tr2)) ts)
= Node (RFrozenTr (accTr <> tr1)) (fmap (fromDTree' tr2) ts)

-- Drop accumulated transformations upon encountering a DDelay
-- node --- the tree unfolded beneath it already took into account
-- any non-frozen transformation at this point.
fromDTree' _ (Node DDelay ts)
= Node REmpty (fmap (fromDTree' mempty) ts)

-- DAnnot and DEmpty nodes become REmpties, in the future my want to
-- handle DAnnots separately if they are used, again accTr flows through.
fromDTree' accTr (Node _ ts)
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66 changes: 54 additions & 12 deletions src/Diagrams/Core/Types.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,8 +45,9 @@ module Diagrams.Core.Types
-- * Diagrams

-- ** Annotations
UpAnnots, DownAnnots
, QDiagram(..), mkQD, Diagram
UpAnnots, DownAnnots, transfToAnnot, transfFromAnnot
, QDiaLeaf(..), withQDiaLeaf
, QDiagram(..), mkQD, mkQD', Diagram

-- * Operations on diagrams
-- ** Extracting information
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -203,18 +205,39 @@ transfToAnnot
transfFromAnnot :: HasLinearMap v => DownAnnots v -> Transformation v
transfFromAnnot = option mempty (unsplit . killR) . fst

-- | A leaf in a 'QDiagram' tree is either a 'Prim', or a \"delayed\"
-- @QDiagram@ which expands to a real @QDiagram@ once it learns the
-- \"final context\" in which it will be rendered. For example, in
-- order to decide how to draw an arrow, we must know the precise
-- transformation applied to it (since the arrow head and tail are
-- scale-invariant).
data QDiaLeaf b v m
= PrimLeaf (Prim b v)
| DelayedLeaf (DownAnnots v -> QDiagram b v m)
-- ^ The @QDiagram@ produced by a @DelayedLeaf@ function /must/
-- already apply any non-frozen transformation in the given
-- @DownAnnots@ (that is, the non-frozen transformation will not
-- be applied by the context). On the other hand, it must assume
-- that any frozen transformation or attributes will be applied
-- by the context.
deriving (Functor)

withQDiaLeaf :: (Prim b v -> r) -> ((DownAnnots v -> QDiagram b v m) -> r) -> (QDiaLeaf b v m -> r)
withQDiaLeaf f _ (PrimLeaf p) = f p
withQDiaLeaf _ g (DelayedLeaf d) = g d

-- | The fundamental diagram type is represented by trees of
-- primitives with various monoidal annotations. The @Q@ in
-- @QDiagram@ stands for \"Queriable\", as distinguished from
-- 'Diagram', a synonym for @QDiagram@ with the query type
-- specialized to 'Any'.
newtype QDiagram b v m
= QD (D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v) (UpAnnots b v m) () (Prim b v))
= QD (D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v) (UpAnnots b v m) () (QDiaLeaf b v m))
deriving (Typeable)

instance Wrapped
(D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v) (UpAnnots b v m) () (Prim b v))
(D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v') (UpAnnots b' v' m') () (Prim b' v'))
(D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v) (UpAnnots b v m) () (QDiaLeaf b v m))
(D.DUALTree (DownAnnots v') (UpAnnots b' v' m') () (QDiaLeaf b' v' m'))
(QDiagram b v m) (QDiagram b' v' m')
where wrapped = iso QD (\(QD d) -> d)

Expand All @@ -237,9 +260,12 @@ pointDiagram p = QD $ D.leafU (inj . toDeletable $ pointEnvelope p)
-- associated transformations and styles.
prims :: HasLinearMap v
=> QDiagram b v m -> [(Prim b v, (Split (Transformation v), Style v))]
prims = (map . second) (untangle . option mempty id . fst)
prims = concatMap processLeaf
. D.flatten
. view unwrapped
processLeaf (PrimLeaf p, (trSty,_)) = [(p, untangle . option mempty id $ trSty)]
processLeaf (DelayedLeaf k, d) = prims (k d)

-- | A useful variant of 'getU' which projects out a certain
-- component.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -378,10 +404,16 @@ clearValue = fmap (const (Any False))

-- | Create a diagram from a single primitive, along with an envelope,
-- trace, subdiagram map, and query function.
mkQD :: Prim b v -> Envelope v -> Trace v -> SubMap b v m
-> Query v m -> QDiagram b v m
mkQD p e t n q
= QD $ D.leaf (toDeletable e *: toDeletable t *: toDeletable n *: q *: ()) p
mkQD :: Prim b v -> Envelope v -> Trace v -> SubMap b v m -> Query v m
-> QDiagram b v m
mkQD p = mkQD' (PrimLeaf p)

-- | Create a diagram from a generic QDiaLeaf, along with an envelope,
-- trace, subdiagram map, and query function.
mkQD' :: QDiaLeaf b v m -> Envelope v -> Trace v -> SubMap b v m -> Query v m
-> QDiagram b v m
mkQD' l e t n q
= QD $ D.leaf (toDeletable e *: toDeletable t *: toDeletable n *: q *: ()) l

-- Instances
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,10 +456,13 @@ infixl 6 `atop`
---- Functor

instance Functor (QDiagram b v) where
fmap f = (over unwrapped . D.mapU . second . second)
( (first . fmap . fmap . fmap) f
fmap f = over unwrapped
( (D.mapU . second . second)
( (first . fmap . fmap . fmap) f
. (second . first . fmap . fmap) f
. (fmap . fmap) f

---- Applicative

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -745,6 +780,13 @@ nullPrim = Prim NullPrim
data DNode b v a = DStyle (Style v)
| DTransform (Split (Transformation v))
| DAnnot a
| DDelay
-- ^ @DDelay@ marks a point where a delayed subtree
-- was expanded. Such subtrees already take all
-- non-frozen transforms above them into account,
-- so when later processing the tree, upon
-- encountering a @DDelay@ node we must drop any
-- accumulated non-frozen transformation.
| DPrim (Prim b v)
| DEmpty

Expand Down

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