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bug fix: #329 section on trail producing incorr...
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byorgey authored Mar 28, 2019
2 parents b6e4837 + 418b3b7 commit 2bfe139
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Showing 3 changed files with 105 additions and 50 deletions.
84 changes: 35 additions & 49 deletions src/Diagrams/Trail.hs
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Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ module Diagrams.Trail
import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Lens hiding (at, transform, (<|), (|>))
import Data.FingerTree (FingerTree, ViewL (..), ViewR (..),
(<|), (|>))
viewl, (<|), (|>))
import qualified Data.FingerTree as FT
import Data.Fixed
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,60 +221,46 @@ instance Num n => DomainBounds (SegTree v n)
instance (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n)
=> EndValues (SegTree v n)

type SplitResult v n = ((SegTree v n, n -> n), (SegTree v n, n -> n))

splitAtParam' :: (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n) => SegTree v n -> n -> SplitResult v n
splitAtParam' tree@(SegTree t) p
| p < 0 =
case FT.viewl t of
EmptyL -> emptySplit
seg FT.:< t' ->
case seg `splitAtParam` (p * tSegs) of
(seg1, seg2) ->
( (SegTree $ FT.singleton seg1, (*p))
, (SegTree $ seg2 <| t', \u -> 1 - (1 - u) * tSegs / (tSegs + 1))
| p >= 1 =
case FT.viewr t of
EmptyR -> emptySplit
t' FT.:> seg ->
case seg `splitAtParam` (1 - (1 - p)*tSegs) of
(seg1, seg2) ->
( (SegTree $ t' |> seg1, \u -> u * tSegs / (tSegs + 1))
, (SegTree $ FT.singleton seg2, \u -> (u - p) / (1 - p))
| otherwise =
case FT.viewl after of
EmptyL -> emptySplit
seg FT.:< after' ->
let (n, p') = propFrac $ p * tSegs
f p n u | u * tSegs < n = u * tSegs / (n + 1)
| otherwise = (n + (u * tSegs - n) / (p * tSegs - n)) / (n+1)
in case seg `splitAtParam` p' of
(seg1, seg2) ->
( ( SegTree $ before |> seg1 , f p n )
, ( SegTree $ seg2 <| after'
, \v -> 1 - f (1 - p) (tSegs - n - 1) (1 - v)
(before, after) = FT.split ((p * tSegs <) . numSegs) t
tSegs = numSegs t
emptySplit = let t' = (tree, id) in (t',t')

propFrac x = let m = signum x * mod1 x in (x - m, m)
splitAtParam' :: (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n)
=> SegTree v n -> n -> ((SegTree v n, SegTree v n), n -> n)
splitAtParam' (SegTree t) p
| tSegs == 0 = ((mempty , mempty ), id)
| otherwise = ((SegTree treeL, SegTree treeR), rescale)
tSegs = numSegs t
splitParam q | q < 0 = (0 , q * tSegs)
| q >= 1 = (tSegs - 1, 1 + (q - 1) * tSegs)
| otherwise = propFrac $ q * tSegs
where propFrac x = let m = mod1 x in (x - m, m)
(pSegs, pParam) = splitParam p
(before, viewl -> seg FT.:< after) = FT.split ((pSegs <) . numSegs) t
(segL, segR) = seg `splitAtParam` pParam
(treeL, treeR) | pParam == 0 = (before , seg <| after)
| pParam == 1 = (before |> seg , after)
| otherwise = (before |> segL, segR <| after)
-- section uses rescale to find the new value of p1 after the split at p2
rescale u | pSegs' == uSegs = (uSegs + uParam / pParam' {-^1-}) / (pSegs' + 1) {-^2-}
| otherwise = u * tSegs / (pSegs' + 1) {-^3-}
-- param 0 on a segment is param 1 on the previous segment
(pSegs', pParam') | pParam == 0 = (pSegs-1, 1)
| otherwise = (pSegs , pParam)
(uSegs , uParam ) = splitParam u
-- ^1 (pParam ≠ 0 → pParam' = pParam) ∧ (pParam = 0 → pParam' = 1) → pParam' ≠ 0
-- ^2 uSegs ≥ 0 ∧ pSegs' = uSegs → pSegs' ≥ 0 → pSegs' + 1 > 0
-- ^3 pSegs' + 1 = 0 → pSegs' = -1 → pSegs = 0 ∧ pParam = 0 → p = 0
-- → rescale is not called

instance (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n) => Sectionable (SegTree v n) where
splitAtParam tree p = let ((a,_),(b,_)) = splitAtParam' tree p in (a,b)
splitAtParam tree p = fst $ splitAtParam' tree p

reverseDomain (SegTree t) = SegTree $ FT.reverse t'
where t' = FT.fmap' reverseSegment t

section x t1 t2 = let ((a,fa),_) = splitAtParam' x t2
in snd $ splitAtParam a (fa t1)

-- XXX seems like it should be possible to collapse some of the
-- above cases into one?
section x p1 p2 | p2 == 0 = reverseDomain . fst $ splitAtParam x p1
| p1 <= p2 = let ((a, _), rescale) = splitAtParam' x p2
in snd $ splitAtParam a (rescale p1)
| otherwise = reverseDomain $ section x p2 p1

instance (Metric v, OrderedField n, Real n)
=> HasArcLength (SegTree v n) where
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67 changes: 66 additions & 1 deletion test/Diagrams/Test/Trail.hs
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

module Diagrams.Test.Trail where

Expand All @@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ import Instances
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.QuickCheck

import Data.Fixed
import Data.List

tests :: TestTree
tests = testGroup "Trail"
[ let wrap :: Trail' Line V2 Double -> Located (Trail V2 Double)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,4 +48,66 @@ tests = testGroup "Trail"
\t -> (reverseLocLoop . reverseLocLoop $ t) =~
(t :: Located (Trail' Loop V2 Double))

, testProperty "section on Trail' Line endpoints match paramaters" $
\t (Param a) (Param b) ->
let s = section (t :: Located (Trail' Line V2 Double)) a b
in t `atParam` a =~ s `atParam` 0 &&
t `atParam` b =~ s `atParam` 1

, testProperty "section on Trail' Line where a paramater is 0 or 1" $
\t (Param a) ->
let l = section (t :: Located (Trail' Line V2 Double)) 0 a
r = section (t :: Located (Trail' Line V2 Double)) a 1
in t `atParam` 0 =~ l `atParam` 0 &&
t `atParam` a =~ l `atParam` 1 &&
t `atParam` a =~ r `atParam` 0 &&
t `atParam` 1 =~ r `atParam` 1

, testProperty "section on Trail' Line where a segment paramater is 0 or 1" $
\t (Param a) i ->
let st = unLoc t # \(Line st) -> st :: SegTree V2 Double
b | numSegs st > 0 = (fromIntegral (i `mod` (numSegs st + 1) :: Word)) / numSegs st
| otherwise = 0
s = section (t :: Located (Trail' Line V2 Double)) a b
in t `atParam` a =~ s `atParam` 0 &&
t `atParam` b =~ s `atParam` 1

, testProperty "section on Trail' Line matches section on FixedSegment" $
\t (Param a) (Param b) -> sectionTrailSectionFixedSegment t a b


data Param = Param Double deriving Show

instance Arbitrary Param where
arbitrary = Param <$> choose (-0.5, 1.5)

sectionTrailSectionFixedSegment :: Located (Trail' Line V2 Double) -> Double -> Double -> Bool
sectionTrailSectionFixedSegment t p1 p2
| null segs = t == t'
| otherwise = aSecT =~ aSecFS && bSecT =~ bSecFS
a = min p1 p2
b = max p1 p2
t' = section t a b

segs = fixTrail $ mapLoc wrapLine t
segs' = fixTrail $ mapLoc wrapLine t'

aSecT = head segs'
bSecT = last segs'

(aSegIx, a') = splitParam a
(bSegIx, b') = splitParam b

aSecFS = section (segs !! floor aSegIx) a' x
where x = if aSegIx == bSegIx then b' else 1
bSecFS = section (segs !! floor bSegIx) x b'
where x = if aSegIx == bSegIx then a' else 0

splitParam p | p < 0 = (0 , p * n)
| p >= 1 = (n - 1, 1 + (p - 1) * n)
| otherwise = propFrac $ p * n
propFrac x = let m = x `mod'` 1 in (x - m, m)
n = genericLength segs
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions test/Instances.hs
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Expand Up @@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ instance Approx n => Approx (Segment Closed V2 n) where
-- The above is conservative:
-- Cubic never equals Linear even if they describe the same points

instance Approx n => Approx (FixedSegment V2 n) where
FLinear a0 b0 =~ FLinear a1 b1 = a0 =~ a1 && b0 =~ b1
FCubic a0 b0 c0 d0 =~ FCubic a1 b1 c1 d1 = a0 =~ a1 && b0 =~ b1 && c0 =~ c1 && d0 =~ d1

instance Approx n => Approx (Trail' Line V2 n) where
l0 =~ l1 = and $ zipWith (=~) (lineSegments l0) (lineSegments l1)

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