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Remove Wrapped instances for attributes.
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They're just added noise, you never really use them because you need to know the types. We can always add them later.
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cchalmers committed Feb 24, 2015
1 parent 91c693b commit 5b4cd40
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Showing 4 changed files with 21 additions and 102 deletions.
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions src/Diagrams/Attributes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,11 +122,6 @@ huge = normalized 0.10
newtype LineWidth n = LineWidth (Last n)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup)

instance Rewrapped (LineWidth n) (LineWidth n')
instance Wrapped (LineWidth n) where
type Unwrapped (LineWidth n) = n
_Wrapped' = iso getLineWidth (LineWidth . Last)

_LineWidth :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Iso' (LineWidth n) n
_LineWidth = iso getLineWidth (LineWidth . Last)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -187,12 +182,6 @@ data Dashing n = Dashing [n] n
newtype DashingA n = DashingA (Last (Dashing n))
deriving (Functor, Typeable, Semigroup)

instance Rewrapped (DashingA n) (DashingA n')
instance Wrapped (DashingA n) where
type Unwrapped (DashingA n) = Dashing n
_Wrapped' = iso getDashing (DashingA . Last)
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

_Dashing :: Iso' (DashingA n) (Dashing n)
_Dashing = iso getDashing (DashingA . Last)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -315,11 +304,6 @@ newtype Opacity = Opacity (Product Double)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup)
instance AttributeClass Opacity

instance Rewrapped Opacity Opacity
instance Wrapped Opacity where
type Unwrapped Opacity = Double
_Wrapped' = _Opacity

_Opacity :: Iso' Opacity Double
_Opacity = iso getOpacity (Opacity . Product)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,12 +338,6 @@ newtype LineCapA = LineCapA (Last LineCap)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup, Eq)
instance AttributeClass LineCapA

instance Rewrapped LineCapA LineCapA
instance Wrapped LineCapA where
type Unwrapped LineCapA = LineCap
_Wrapped' = _LineCap
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

_LineCap :: Iso' LineCapA LineCap
_LineCap = iso getLineCap (LineCapA . Last)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -391,11 +369,6 @@ newtype LineJoinA = LineJoinA (Last LineJoin)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup, Eq)
instance AttributeClass LineJoinA

instance Rewrapped LineJoinA LineJoinA
instance Wrapped LineJoinA where
type Unwrapped LineJoinA = LineJoin
_Wrapped' = _LineJoin

_LineJoin :: Iso' LineJoinA LineJoin
_LineJoin = iso getLineJoin (LineJoinA . Last)

Expand All @@ -420,11 +393,6 @@ newtype LineMiterLimit = LineMiterLimit (Last Double)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup)
instance AttributeClass LineMiterLimit

instance Rewrapped LineMiterLimit LineMiterLimit
instance Wrapped LineMiterLimit where
type Unwrapped LineMiterLimit = Double
_Wrapped' = _LineMiterLimit

_LineMiterLimit :: Iso' LineMiterLimit Double
_LineMiterLimit = iso getLineMiterLimit (LineMiterLimit . Last)

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18 changes: 1 addition & 17 deletions src/Diagrams/ThreeD/Attributes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,10 +42,6 @@ newtype SurfaceColor = SurfaceColor (Last (Colour Double))

instance AttributeClass SurfaceColor

instance Wrapped SurfaceColor where
type Unwrapped SurfaceColor = Colour Double
_Wrapped' = _SurfaceColor

_SurfaceColor :: Iso' SurfaceColor (Colour Double)
_SurfaceColor = iso (\(SurfaceColor (Last c)) -> c) (SurfaceColor . Last)

Expand All @@ -67,10 +63,6 @@ newtype Diffuse = Diffuse (Last Double)

instance AttributeClass Diffuse

instance Wrapped Diffuse where
type Unwrapped Diffuse = Double
_Wrapped' = _Diffuse

-- | Isomorphism between 'Diffuse' and 'Double'
_Diffuse :: Iso' Diffuse Double
_Diffuse = iso (\(Diffuse (Last d)) -> d) (Diffuse . Last)
Expand All @@ -94,12 +86,8 @@ newtype Ambient = Ambient (Last Double)

instance AttributeClass Ambient

instance Wrapped Ambient where
type Unwrapped Ambient = Double
_Wrapped' = iso (\(Ambient (Last d)) -> d) (Ambient . Last)

_Ambient :: Iso' Ambient Double
_Ambient = _Wrapped'
_Ambient = iso (\(Ambient (Last d)) -> d) (Ambient . Last)

-- | Set the emittance due to ambient light.
ambient :: HasStyle d => Double -> d -> d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,10 +116,6 @@ newtype Highlight = Highlight (Last Specular)

instance AttributeClass Highlight

instance Wrapped Highlight where
type Unwrapped Highlight = Specular
_Wrapped' = _Highlight

_Highlight :: Iso' Highlight Specular
_Highlight = iso (\(Highlight (Last s)) -> s) (Highlight . Last)

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32 changes: 10 additions & 22 deletions src/Diagrams/TwoD/Attributes.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -265,15 +265,9 @@ instance (Typeable n) => AttributeClass (LineTexture n)
type instance V (LineTexture n) = V2
type instance N (LineTexture n) = n

instance Rewrapped (LineTexture n) (LineTexture n')
instance Wrapped (LineTexture n) where
type Unwrapped (LineTexture n) = Texture n
_Wrapped' = iso getLineTexture (LineTexture . Last)
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

_LineTexture :: Iso (LineTexture n) (LineTexture n')
(Texture n) (Texture n')
_LineTexture = _Wrapped
_LineTexture = iso getLineTexture (LineTexture . Last)

-- Only gradients get transformed. The transform is applied to the gradients
-- transform field. Colors are left unchanged.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,22 +330,17 @@ lineRGradient g = lineTexture (RG g)
newtype FillTexture n = FillTexture (Recommend (Last (Texture n)))
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup)

-- This isn't valid since it ignores Recommend!
instance Rewrapped (FillTexture n) (FillTexture n')
instance Wrapped (FillTexture n) where
type Unwrapped (FillTexture n) = Recommend (Texture n)
_Wrapped' = iso getter setter -- == coerce
getter (FillTexture (Recommend (Last t))) = Recommend t
getter (FillTexture (Commit (Last t))) = Commit t
setter (Recommend t) = FillTexture (Recommend (Last t))
setter (Commit t) = FillTexture (Commit (Last t))
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

instance Typeable n => AttributeClass (FillTexture n)

_FillTexture :: Iso' (FillTexture n) (Recommend (Texture n))
_FillTexture = _Wrapped'
_FillTexture = iso getter setter
getter (FillTexture (Recommend (Last t))) = Recommend t
getter (FillTexture (Commit (Last t))) = Commit t
setter (Recommend t) = FillTexture (Recommend (Last t))
setter (Commit t) = FillTexture (Commit (Last t))
-- = iso (\(FillTexture a) -> a) FillTexture . mapping _Wrapped
-- -- once we depend on monoid-extras-0.4

type instance V (FillTexture n) = V2
type instance N (FillTexture n) = n
Expand All @@ -362,8 +351,7 @@ instance Floating n => Transformable (FillTexture n) where
transform = over (_FillTexture . _recommend) . transform

instance Default (FillTexture n) where
def = FillTexture (Recommend (Last (SC
(SomeColor (transparent :: AlphaColour Double)))))
def = review (_FillTexture . _Recommend . _SC . _SomeColor) transparent

getFillTexture :: FillTexture n -> Texture n
getFillTexture (FillTexture tx) = getLast . getRecommend $ tx
Expand Down
41 changes: 10 additions & 31 deletions src/Diagrams/TwoD/Text.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,11 +173,6 @@ baselineText = mkText BaselineText
newtype Font = Font (Last String)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup, Eq)

instance Rewrapped Font Font
instance Wrapped Font where
type Unwrapped Font = String
_Wrapped' = iso getFont (Font . Last)

_Font :: Iso' Font String
_Font = iso getFont (Font . Last)

Expand All @@ -192,7 +187,7 @@ font :: HasStyle a => String -> a -> a
font = applyAttr . Font . Last

_font :: (Typeable n, OrderedField n) => Lens' (Style v n) (Maybe String)
_font = atAttr . mapping (_Wrapping (Font . Last))
_font = atAttr . mapping _Font

-- Font size
Expand All @@ -207,18 +202,14 @@ instance Functor FontSize where
fmap f (FontSize (Recommend (Last a))) = FontSize (Recommend (Last (f a)))
fmap f (FontSize (Commit (Last a))) = FontSize (Commit (Last (f a)))

instance Rewrapped (FontSize n) (FontSize n')
instance Wrapped (FontSize n) where
type Unwrapped (FontSize n) = Recommend n
_Wrapped' = iso getter setter
where getter (FontSize (Recommend (Last a))) = Recommend a
getter (FontSize (Commit (Last a))) = Commit a
setter (Recommend a) = FontSize $ Recommend (Last a)
setter (Commit a) = FontSize $ Commit (Last a)
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

_FontSize :: Iso' (FontSize n) (Recommend n)
_FontSize = _Wrapped'
_FontSize = iso getter setter
where getter (FontSize (Recommend (Last a))) = Recommend a
getter (FontSize (Commit (Last a))) = Commit a
setter (Recommend a) = FontSize $ Recommend (Last a)
setter (Commit a) = FontSize $ Commit (Last a)
-- = iso (\(FontSize a) -> a) FontSize . mapping _Wrapped
-- once we depend on monoid-extras-0.4

_FontSizeM :: Iso' (FontSizeM n) (Measured n (Recommend n))
_FontSizeM = mapping _FontSize
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -287,17 +278,11 @@ newtype FontSlantA = FontSlantA (Last FontSlant)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup, Eq)
instance AttributeClass FontSlantA

instance Rewrapped FontSlantA FontSlantA
instance Wrapped FontSlantA where
type Unwrapped FontSlantA = FontSlant
_Wrapped' = iso getFontSlant (FontSlantA . Last)
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

instance Default FontSlant where
def = FontSlantNormal

_FontSlant :: Iso' FontSlantA FontSlant
_FontSlant = _Wrapped'
_FontSlant = iso getFontSlant (FontSlantA . Last)

-- | Extract the font slant from a 'FontSlantA' attribute.
getFontSlant :: FontSlantA -> FontSlant
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,17 +320,11 @@ newtype FontWeightA = FontWeightA (Last FontWeight)
deriving (Typeable, Semigroup, Eq)
instance AttributeClass FontWeightA

instance Rewrapped FontWeightA FontWeightA
instance Wrapped FontWeightA where
type Unwrapped FontWeightA = FontWeight
_Wrapped' = iso getFontWeight (FontWeightA . Last)
{-# INLINE _Wrapped' #-}

instance Default FontWeight where
def = FontWeightNormal

_FontWeight :: Iso' FontWeightA FontWeight
_FontWeight = _Wrapped'
_FontWeight = iso getFontWeight (FontWeightA . Last)

-- | Extract the font weight from a 'FontWeightA' attribute.
getFontWeight :: FontWeightA -> FontWeight
Expand Down

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