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BoundingBox is now Monoidal
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byorgey committed Aug 1, 2012
2 parents 17f9dfe + 78b65f4 commit 77ec072
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Showing 3 changed files with 185 additions and 94 deletions.
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/Diagrams/Animation.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,9 +41,9 @@ import Diagrams.Path
import Data.Active
import Data.Semigroup

import Data.VectorSpace

import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Data.Foldable (foldMap)
import Data.VectorSpace

-- | A value of type @QAnimation b v m@ is an animation (a
-- time-varying diagram with start and end times) that can be
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,8 @@ animRect = animRect' 30
-- accurate but slower.
animRect' :: (PathLike p, Enveloped p, Transformable p, V p ~ R2)
=> Rational -> QAnimation b R2 m -> p
animRect' r = maybe (rect 1 1) (`boxFit` rect 1 1)
. unions
. map boundingBox
. simulate r
animRect' r anim
| null results = rect 1 1
| otherwise = boxFit (foldMap boundingBox results) (rect 1 1)
results = simulate r anim
244 changes: 156 additions & 88 deletions src/Diagrams/BoundingBox.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable
, DeriveFunctor
, FlexibleContexts
, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
, NoMonomorphismRestriction
, ScopedTypeVariables
, StandaloneDeriving
, TypeFamilies
, UndecidableInstances
Expand All @@ -26,201 +28,267 @@ module Diagrams.BoundingBox

-- * Constructing bounding boxes
, fromCorners, fromPoint, fromPoints
, emptyBox, fromCorners, fromPoint, fromPoints
, boundingBox

-- * Queries on bounding boxes
, isEmptyBox
, getCorners, getAllCorners
, boxExtents, boxTransform, boxFit
, contains, contains'
, inside, inside', outside, outside'

-- * Operations on bounding boxes
, union, intersection, unions, intersections
, union, intersection
) where

import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import Control.Monad (join, liftM2)
import Data.Map (Map, fromList, toList, fromDistinctAscList, toAscList)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F

import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Data.VectorSpace
-- (VectorSpace, Scalar, AdditiveGroup, zeroV, negateV, (^+^), (^-^))
import Data.Basis (HasBasis, Basis, decompose, recompose, basisValue)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..), Option(..))

import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)

import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Points (Point(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.HasOrigin (HasOrigin(..))
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Envelope (Enveloped(..), envelopeP)
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Envelope (Enveloped(..), appEnvelope)
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.V (V)
import Graphics.Rendering.Diagrams.Transform
(Transformation(..), Transformable(..), HasLinearMap, (<->))

-- Unexported utility newtype

newtype NonEmptyBoundingBox v = NonEmptyBoundingBox (Point v, Point v)
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)

fromNonEmpty :: NonEmptyBoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v
fromNonEmpty = BoundingBox . Option . Just

fromMaybeEmpty :: Maybe (NonEmptyBoundingBox v) -> BoundingBox v
fromMaybeEmpty = maybe emptyBox fromNonEmpty

nonEmptyCorners :: NonEmptyBoundingBox v -> (Point v, Point v)
nonEmptyCorners (NonEmptyBoundingBox x) = x

instance (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> Semigroup (NonEmptyBoundingBox v) where
(NonEmptyBoundingBox (ul, uh)) <> (NonEmptyBoundingBox (vl, vh))
= NonEmptyBoundingBox
$ mapT toPoint (combineP min ul vl, combineP max uh vh)

-- | A bounding box is an axis-aligned region determined by two points
-- indicating its \"lower\" and \"upper\" corners.
data BoundingBox v = BoundingBox (Point v) (Point v)
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Data, Typeable, Functor)
-- indicating its \"lower\" and \"upper\" corners. It can also represent
-- an empty bounding box - the points are wrapped in @Maybe@.
newtype BoundingBox v = BoundingBox (Option (NonEmptyBoundingBox v))
deriving (Eq, Data, Typeable)

deriving instance
( HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v)
) => Semigroup (BoundingBox v)
deriving instance
( HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v)
) => Monoid (BoundingBox v)

type instance V (BoundingBox v) = v

instance VectorSpace v => HasOrigin (BoundingBox v) where
moveOriginTo p (BoundingBox p1 p2) = BoundingBox (moveOriginTo p p1)
(moveOriginTo p p2)
-- Map a function on a homogenous 2-tuple. (unexported utility)
mapT :: (a -> b) -> (a, a) -> (b, b)
mapT f (x, y) = (f x, f y)

instance ( VectorSpace v, HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v)
, AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v)
) => HasOrigin (BoundingBox v) where
moveOriginTo p b
= fromMaybeEmpty
( NonEmptyBoundingBox . mapT (moveOriginTo p) <$> getCorners b )

instance ( InnerSpace v, Floating (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v)
, HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v)
instance ( InnerSpace v, HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v)
, AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v), Floating (Scalar v)
) => Enveloped (BoundingBox v) where
getEnvelope = getEnvelope . getAllCorners

-- | Create a bounding box from any two opposite corners.
instance Show v => Show (BoundingBox v) where
= maybe "emptyBox" (\(l, u) -> "fromCorners " ++ show l ++ " " ++ show u)
. getCorners

instance Read v => Read (BoundingBox v) where
read "emptyBox" = emptyBox

-- | An empty bounding box. This is the same thing as @mempty@, but it doesn't
-- require the same type constraints that the @Monoid@
emptyBox :: BoundingBox v
emptyBox = BoundingBox $ Option Nothing

-- | Create a bounding box from a point that is component-wise @(<=)@ than the
-- other. If this is not the case, then @mempty@ is returned.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> Point v -> Point v -> BoundingBox v
fromCorners u v = BoundingBox (toPoint (combineP min u v))
(toPoint (combineP max u v))
fromCorners l h
| F.and (combineP (<=) l h) = fromNonEmpty $ NonEmptyBoundingBox (l, h)
| otherwise = mempty

-- | Create a degenerate bounding \"box\" containing only a single point.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> Point v -> BoundingBox v
fromPoint p = BoundingBox p p
fromPoint p = fromNonEmpty $ NonEmptyBoundingBox (p, p)

-- | Create the smallest bounding box containing all the given points.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> [Point v] -> Maybe (BoundingBox v)
fromPoints = unions . map fromPoint
=> [Point v] -> BoundingBox v
fromPoints = mconcat . map fromPoint

-- | Create a bounding box for any enveloped object (such as a diagram or path).
boundingBox :: forall a. (Enveloped a, HasBasis (V a), Ord (Basis (V a)))
=> a -> BoundingBox (V a)
boundingBox a = fromJust . fromPoints . map (`envelopeP` a) $ [id, negateV] <*> units
where units = map (basisValue . fst) (decompose (zeroV :: V a))
boundingBox :: forall a. ( Enveloped a, HasBasis (V a), AdditiveGroup (V a)
, Ord (Basis (V a))
) => a -> BoundingBox (V a)
boundingBox a = fromMaybeEmpty $ do
env <- appEnvelope $ getEnvelope a
let h = recompose $ map (\v -> (v, env $ basisValue v)) us
l = recompose $ map (\v -> (v, negate . env . negateV $ basisValue v)) us
return $ NonEmptyBoundingBox (P l, P h)
-- The units. Might not work if 0-components aren't reported.
--TODO: Depend on Enum Basis?
us = map fst $ decompose (zeroV :: V a)

-- | Queries whether the BoundingBox is empty.
isEmptyBox :: BoundingBox v -> Bool
isEmptyBox (BoundingBox (Option Nothing)) = True
isEmptyBox _ = False

-- | Gets the lower and upper corners that define the bounding box.
getCorners :: BoundingBox v -> (Point v, Point v)
getCorners (BoundingBox l u) = (l, u)

Ord (Data.Basis.Basis b),
Data.AdditiveGroup.AdditiveGroup (Data.VectorSpace.Scalar b),
Data.Basis.HasBasis b,
Data.Basis.HasBasis v,
Data.Basis.Basis v ~ Data.Basis.Basis b,
Data.VectorSpace.Scalar v ~ Data.VectorSpace.Scalar b) =>
getCorners :: BoundingBox v -> Maybe (Point v, Point v)
getCorners (BoundingBox p) = nonEmptyCorners <$> getOption p

-- | Computes all of the corners of the bounding box.
getAllCorners :: (HasBasis v, AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Basis v))
=> BoundingBox v -> [Point v]
getAllCorners (BoundingBox l u)
getAllCorners (BoundingBox (Option Nothing)) = []
getAllCorners (BoundingBox (Option (Just (NonEmptyBoundingBox (l, u)))))
= map (P . recompose)
-- Enumerate all combinations of selections of lower / higher values.
. mapM (\(b, (x, y)) -> [(b, x), (b, y)])
. toList $ combineP (,) l u
. mapM (\(b, (l', u')) -> [(b, l'), (b, u')])
-- List of [(basis, (lower, upper))]
. toList
$ combineP (,) l u

-- | Get the size of the bounding box - the vector from the lesser to the greater
-- point.
-- | Get the size of the bounding box - the vector from the (component-wise)
-- lesser point to the greater point.
boxExtents :: (AdditiveGroup v) => BoundingBox v -> v
boxExtents (BoundingBox (P l) (P h)) = h ^-^ l
boxExtents = maybe zeroV (\(P l, P h) -> h ^-^ l) . getCorners

-- | Create a transformation mapping points from one bounding box to the other.
boxTransform :: (AdditiveGroup v, HasLinearMap v,
Fractional (Scalar v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Basis v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Transformation v
boxTransform a@(BoundingBox (P l1) _) b@(BoundingBox (P l2) _)
= Transformation s s (l2 ^-^ boxTrans a b l1)
s = boxTrans a b <-> boxTrans b a
boxTrans b1 b2 = vcombineV (*) (vcombineV (/) (boxExtents b2) (boxExtents b1))
vcombineV f x = toVector . combineV f x

-- | Transforms an enveloped thing to fit within a @BoundingBox@.
boxFit :: (Enveloped a, Transformable a, Ord (Basis (V a)))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Maybe (Transformation v)
boxTransform u v = do
((P ul), _) <- getCorners u
((P vl), _) <- getCorners v
let lin_map = box_scale (v, u) <-> box_scale (u, v)
box_scale = combineV' (*) . uncurry (combineV' (/)) . mapT boxExtents
combineV' f x = toVector . combineV f x
return $ Transformation lin_map lin_map (vl ^-^ box_scale (v, u) ul)

-- | Transforms an enveloped thing to fit within a @BoundingBox@. If it's
-- empty, then the result is also @mempty@.
boxFit :: (Enveloped a, Transformable a, Monoid a, Ord (Basis (V a)))
=> BoundingBox (V a) -> a -> a
boxFit b x = transform (boxTransform (boundingBox x) b) x
boxFit b x = maybe mempty (`transform` x) $ boxTransform (boundingBox x) b

-- | Check whether a point is contained in a bounding box (including its edges).
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> Point v -> Bool
contains (BoundingBox l h) p = F.and (combineP (<=) l p)
&& F.and (combineP (<=) p h)
contains b p = maybe False check $ getCorners b
check (l, h) = F.and (combineP (<=) l p)
&& F.and (combineP (<=) p h)

-- | Check whether a point is /strictly/ contained in a bounding box.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> Point v -> Bool
contains' (BoundingBox l h) p = F.and (combineP (< ) l p)
&& F.and (combineP (< ) p h)

-- | Compute the smallest bounding box containing all the given
-- bounding boxes (or @Nothing@ if the list is empty).
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> [BoundingBox v] -> Maybe (BoundingBox v)
unions [] = Nothing
unions ps = Just . foldr1 union $ ps

-- | Compute the largest bounding box contained in all the given
-- bounding boxes (or @Nothing@ is the list is empty).
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> [BoundingBox v] -> Maybe (BoundingBox v)
intersections [] = Nothing
intersections ps = foldr1 ((join .) . liftM2 intersection) (map Just ps)
contains' b p = maybe False check $ getCorners b
check (l, h) = F.and (combineP (<) l p)
&& F.and (combineP (<) p h)

-- | Test whether the first bounding box is contained inside
-- the second.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Bool
inside (BoundingBox ul uh) (BoundingBox vl vh) = F.and (combineP (<=) uh vh)
&& F.and (combineP (>=) ul vl)
inside u v = fromMaybe False $ do
(ul, uh) <- getCorners u
(vl, vh) <- getCorners v
return $ F.and (combineP (>=) ul vl)
&& F.and (combineP (<=) uh vh)

-- | Test whether the first bounding box is /strictly/ contained
-- inside the second.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Bool
inside' (BoundingBox ul uh) (BoundingBox vl vh) = F.and (combineP (< ) uh vh)
&& F.and (combineP (> ) ul vl)
inside' u v = fromMaybe False $ do
(ul, uh) <- getCorners u
(vl, vh) <- getCorners v
return $ F.and (combineP (>) ul vl)
&& F.and (combineP (<) uh vh)

-- | Test whether the first bounding box lies outside the second
-- (although they may intersect in their boundaries).
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Bool
outside (BoundingBox ul uh) (BoundingBox vl vh) = F.or (combineP (<=) uh vl)
|| F.or (combineP (>=) ul vh)
outside u v = fromMaybe True $ do
(ul, uh) <- getCorners u
(vl, vh) <- getCorners v
return $ F.or (combineP (<=) uh vl)
|| F.or (combineP (>=) ul vh)

-- | Test whether the first bounding box lies /strictly/ outside the second
-- (they do not intersect at all).
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Bool
outside' (BoundingBox ul uh) (BoundingBox vl vh) = F.or (combineP (< ) uh vl)
|| F.or (combineP (> ) ul vh)
outside' u v = fromMaybe True $ do
(ul, uh) <- getCorners u
(vl, vh) <- getCorners v
return $ F.or (combineP (<) uh vl)
|| F.or (combineP (>) ul vh)

-- | Form the largest bounding box contained within this given two
-- bounding boxes, or @Nothing@ if the two bounding boxes do not
-- overlap at all.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> Maybe (BoundingBox v)
intersection u@(BoundingBox ul uh) v@(BoundingBox vl vh)
| u `outside'` v = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (fromCorners (toPoint (combineP max ul vl)) (toPoint (combineP min uh vh)))

-- | Form the smallest bounding box containing the given two bounding boxes.
:: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v
union (BoundingBox ul uh) (BoundingBox vl vh) = BoundingBox (toPoint (combineP min ul vl)) (toPoint (combineP max uh vh))
intersection u v = maybe mempty (uncurry fromCorners) $ do
(ul, uh) <- getCorners u
(vl, vh) <- getCorners v
return $ mapT toPoint (combineP max ul vl, combineP min uh vh)

-- | Form the smallest bounding box containing the given two bound union. This
-- function is just an alias for @mappend@.
union :: (HasBasis v, Ord (Basis v), AdditiveGroup (Scalar v), Ord (Scalar v))
=> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v -> BoundingBox v
union = mappend

-- internals using Map (Basis v) (Scalar v)
-- probably paranoia, but decompose might not always
Expand Down

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