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Rename Action to LeftAction
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The Action typeclass really represents left actions. This moves Action
under an Action namespace with the name LeftAction. It also updates
files where Action instances are defined and make them use LeftActions.

It also creates a type alias Action in the old Action namespace pointing
to LeftAction and act pointing to leftAct for compatibility.
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Mistral Contrastin committed Dec 26, 2018
1 parent d7c1f7b commit 2cead61
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Showing 7 changed files with 120 additions and 106 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions benchmarks/SemiDirectProduct.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ import Data.Monoid (Sum(..))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup)

import Data.Monoid.Action
import Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction
import qualified Data.Monoid.SemiDirectProduct as L
import qualified Data.Monoid.SemiDirectProduct.Strict as S

newtype MyMonoid = MyMonoid (Sum Word) deriving (Semigroup, Monoid)

instance Action MyMonoid () where
act _ = id
{-# NOINLINE act #-}
instance LeftAction MyMonoid () where
leftAct _ = id
{-# NOINLINE leftAct #-}

main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions monoid-extras.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ source-repository head
default-language: Haskell2010
exposed-modules: Data.Monoid.Action,
Expand Down
86 changes: 8 additions & 78 deletions src/Data/Monoid/Action.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,83 +1,13 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module : Data.Monoid.Action
-- Copyright : (c) 2011 diagrams-core team (see LICENSE)
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Monoid and semigroup actions.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}

module Data.Monoid.Action
( Action(..)
) where

import Data.Semigroup

-- Monoid and semigroup actions

-- | Type class for monoid (and semigroup) actions, where monoidal
-- values of type @m@ \"act\" on values of another type @s@.
-- Instances are required to satisfy the laws
-- * @act mempty = id@
-- * @act (m1 \`mappend\` m2) = act m1 . act m2@
-- Semigroup instances are required to satisfy the second law but with
-- ('<>') instead of 'mappend'. Additionally, if the type @s@ has
-- any algebraic structure, @act m@ should be a homomorphism. For
-- example, if @s@ is also a monoid we should have @act m mempty =
-- mempty@ and @act m (s1 \`mappend\` s2) = (act m s1) \`mappend\`
-- (act m s2)@.
-- By default, @act = const id@, so for a type @M@ which should have
-- no action on anything, it suffices to write
-- > instance Action M s
-- with no method implementations.
-- It is a bit awkward dealing with instances of @Action@, since it
-- is a multi-parameter type class but we can't add any functional
-- dependencies---the relationship between monoids and the types on
-- which they act is truly many-to-many. In practice, this library
-- has chosen to have instance selection for @Action@ driven by the
-- /first/ type parameter. That is, you should never write an
-- instance of the form @Action m SomeType@ since it will overlap
-- with instances of the form @Action SomeMonoid t@. Newtype
-- wrappers can be used to (awkwardly) get around this.
class Action m s where

-- | Convert a value of type @m@ to an action on @s@ values.
act :: m -> s -> s
act = const id

-- | @()@ acts as the identity.
instance Action () l where
act () = id
( Action
, act
) where

-- | @Nothing@ acts as the identity; @Just m@ acts as @m@.
instance Action m s => Action (Option m) s where
act (Option Nothing) s = s
act (Option (Just m)) s = act m s
import Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction

-- | @Endo@ acts by application.
-- Note that in order for this instance to satisfy the @Action@
-- laws, whenever the type @a@ has some sort of algebraic structure,
-- the type @Endo a@ must be considered to represent /homomorphisms/
-- (structure-preserving maps) on @a@, even though there is no way
-- to enforce this in the type system. For example, if @a@ is an
-- instance of @Monoid@, then one should only use @Endo a@ values
-- @f@ with the property that @f mempty = mempty@ and @f (a <> b) =
-- f a <> f b@.
instance Action (Endo a) a where
act = appEndo
type Action = LeftAction

act :: Action m s => m -> s -> s
act = leftAct
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Monoid/Action/LeftAction.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}

-- |
-- Module : Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction
-- Copyright : (c) 2011 diagrams-core team (see LICENSE)
-- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE)
-- Maintainer :
-- Monoid and semigroup left actions.

module Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction
( LeftAction(..)
) where

import Data.Semigroup

-- Monoid and semigroup left actions

-- | Type class for left monoid (and semigroup) actions, where monoidal
-- values of type @m@ act (@leftAct@) on values of another type @s@.
-- Instances are required to satisfy the laws
-- * @leftAct mempty = id@
-- * @leftAct (m1 \`mappend\` m2) = leftAct m1 . leftAct m2@
-- Semigroup instances are required to satisfy the second law but with
-- ('<>') instead of 'mappend'. Additionally, if the type @s@ has
-- any algebraic structure, @leftAct m@ should be a homomorphism. For
-- example, if @s@ is also a monoid we should have @leftAct m mempty =
-- mempty@ and @leftAct m (s1 \`mappend\` s2) = (leftAct m s1) \`mappend\`
-- (leftAct m s2)@.
-- By default, @leftAct = const id@, so for a type @M@ which should have
-- no action on anything, it suffices to write
-- > instance LeftAction M s
-- with no method implementations.
-- It is a bit awkward dealing with instances of @LeftAction@, since it
-- is a multi-parameter type class but we can't add any functional
-- dependencies---the relationship between monoids and the types on
-- which they act is truly many-to-many. In practice, this library
-- has chosen to have instance selection for @LeftAction@ driven by the
-- /first/ type parameter. That is, you should never write an
-- instance of the form @LeftAction m SomeType@ since it will overlap
-- with instances of the form @Action SomeMonoid t@. Newtype
-- wrappers can be used to (awkwardly) get around this.
class LeftAction m s where

-- | Convert a value of type @m@ to an left action on @s@ values.
leftAct :: m -> s -> s
leftAct = const id

-- | @()@ acts as the identity.
instance LeftAction () l where
leftAct () = id

-- | @Nothing@ acts as the identity; @Just m@ acts as @m@.
instance LeftAction m s => LeftAction (Option m) s where
leftAct (Option Nothing) s = s
leftAct (Option (Just m)) s = leftAct m s

-- | @Endo@ acts by application.
-- Note that in order for this instance to satisfy the @LeftAction@
-- laws, whenever the type @a@ has some sort of algebraic structure,
-- the type @Endo a@ must be considered to represent /homomorphisms/
-- (structure-preserving maps) on @a@, even though there is no way
-- to enforce this in the type system. For example, if @a@ is an
-- instance of @Monoid@, then one should only use @Endo a@ values
-- @f@ with the property that @f mempty = mempty@ and @f (a <> b) =
-- f a <> f b@.
instance LeftAction (Endo a) a where
leftAct = appEndo

18 changes: 9 additions & 9 deletions src/Data/Monoid/Coproduct.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import Data.Either (lefts, rights)
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Typeable

import Data.Monoid.Action
import Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction

-- | @m :+: n@ is the coproduct of monoids @m@ and @n@. Values of
-- type @m :+: n@ consist of alternating lists of @m@ and @n@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,25 +87,25 @@ killR = mconcat . lefts . unMCo
killL :: Monoid n => m :+: n -> n
killL = mconcat . rights . unMCo

-- | Take a value from a coproduct monoid where the left monoid has an
-- | Take a value from a coproduct monoid where the left monoid has a left
-- action on the right, and \"untangle\" it into a pair of values. In
-- particular,
-- > m1 <> n1 <> m2 <> n2 <> m3 <> n3 <> ...
-- is sent to
-- > (m1 <> m2 <> m3 <> ..., (act m1 n1) <> (act (m1 <> m2) n2) <> (act (m1 <> m2 <> m3) n3) <> ...)
-- > (m1 <> m2 <> m3 <> ..., (leftAct m1 n1) <> (leftAct (m1 <> m2) n2) <> (leftAct (m1 <> m2 <> m3) n3) <> ...)
-- That is, before combining @n@ values, every @n@ value is acted on
-- by all the @m@ values to its left.
untangle :: (Action m n, Monoid m, Monoid n) => m :+: n -> (m,n)
untangle :: (LeftAction m n, Monoid m, Monoid n) => m :+: n -> (m,n)
untangle (MCo elts) = untangle' mempty elts
where untangle' cur [] = cur
untangle' (curM, curN) (Left m : elts') = untangle' (curM `mappend` m, curN) elts'
untangle' (curM, curN) (Right n : elts') = untangle' (curM, curN `mappend` act curM n) elts'
untangle' (curM, curN) (Right n : elts') = untangle' (curM, curN `mappend` leftAct curM n) elts'

-- | Coproducts act on other things by having each of the components
-- act individually.
instance (Action m r, Action n r) => Action (m :+: n) r where
act = appEndo . mconcat . map (Endo . either act act) . unMCo
-- | Coproducts left actions on other things by having each of the components
-- left actions individually.
instance (LeftAction m r, LeftAction n r) => LeftAction (m :+: n) r where
leftAct = appEndo . mconcat . map (Endo . either leftAct leftAct) . unMCo
20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions src/Data/Monoid/MList.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ module Data.Monoid.MList
) where

import Control.Arrow
import Data.Monoid.Action
import Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction
import Data.Semigroup

-- $mlist
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ instance (t :>: a) => (:>:) (b ::: t) a where
get = get . snd
alt = second . alt

-- Monoid actions -----------------------------------------
-- Monoid left actions -----------------------------------------

-- $mlist-actions
-- Monoidal heterogeneous lists may act on one another as you would
Expand All @@ -118,17 +118,17 @@ instance (t :>: a) => (:>:) (b ::: t) a where

-- | @SM@, an abbreviation for \"single monoid\" (as opposed to a
-- heterogeneous list of monoids), is only used internally to help
-- guide instance selection when defining the action of
-- guide instance selection when defining the left action of
-- heterogeneous monoidal lists on each other.
newtype SM m = SM m
deriving Show

instance (Action (SM a) l2, Action l1 l2) => Action (a, l1) l2 where
act (a,l) = act (SM a) . act l
instance (LeftAction (SM a) l2, LeftAction l1 l2) => LeftAction (a, l1) l2 where
leftAct (a,l) = leftAct (SM a) . leftAct l

instance Action (SM a) () where
act _ _ = ()
instance LeftAction (SM a) () where
leftAct _ _ = ()

instance (Action a a', Action (SM a) l) => Action (SM a) (Option a', l) where
act (SM a) (Option Nothing, l) = (Option Nothing, act (SM a) l)
act (SM a) (Option (Just a'), l) = (Option (Just (act a a')), act (SM a) l)
instance (LeftAction a a', LeftAction (SM a) l) => LeftAction (SM a) (Option a', l) where
leftAct (SM a) (Option Nothing, l) = (Option Nothing, leftAct (SM a) l)
leftAct (SM a) (Option (Just a'), l) = (Option (Just (leftAct a a')), leftAct (SM a) l)
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/Data/Monoid/Split.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import Data.Foldable
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Traversable

import Data.Monoid.Action
import Data.Monoid.Action.LeftAction

infix 5 :|

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ unsplit :: Semigroup m => Split m -> m
unsplit (M m) = m
unsplit (m1 :| m2) = m1 <> m2

-- | By default, the action of a split monoid is the same as for
-- | By default, the left action of a split monoid is the same as for
-- the underlying monoid, as if the split were removed.
instance Action m n => Action (Split m) n where
act (M m) n = act m n
act (m1 :| m2) n = act m1 (act m2 n)
instance LeftAction m n => LeftAction (Split m) n where
leftAct (M m) n = leftAct m n
leftAct (m1 :| m2) n = leftAct m1 (leftAct m2 n)

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