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A kanban application with statistics and charts, including Trello integration.


This project is stagnated.

I need your help. Want to collaborate?

I'm listening to all kind of help (bug-fixing, new features, proposing features...).

What's this?

Djanban is a web site that allows you to connect to your Trello user and fetch data from your boards.

The fetched data is processed and you are presented with several stats for each project that help you take strategic decisions like:

  • Is the maximum work in progress for each state/list being followed?
  • Is there some tasks that are going back to earlier states too much?
  • How many hours are your team working and in what projects?
  • What's the lead and cycle time of each project tasks?
  • Is the project on time according to its percentage of completion?

Test site

Sign up in this test site and share your ideas, suggestion or bug reports.

IMPORTANT NOTE: this site deletes all your data each day, so don't use it for your projects. Use it for testing this web app. If you need help some help when installing this project in your servers, contact me and I will help you.

Want to see it running in your computer?

Run this commands in your terminal:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install git python python-dev virtualenv build-essential\ 
    libssl-dev libffi-dev libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
git clone
cd djanban

And open your web browser in the address http://localhost:8000

How does it work?

First you have to sign up with your Trello API credentials. Initialize your boards and customize the type of each board list.

Once you have your boards ready, fetch the data.

You can also give other board members access to the dashboard. Each member will be able to access to his/her own boards, so it is perfect for a multi-project team.

How it works


Plus for Trello

If you have chose the Sign up with Trello integration, you'll have to provide the spent and estimated times for each task.

That's what Plus for Trello is. Use Plus for Trello in your boards to allow this application to get card spent and estimated times.

Configure Plus for Trello to use time storage in comments. Otherwise, Djanban will be unable to track spend and estimated time.

Don't use the feature of assigning times to other members of the team because it is not implemented yet.


This library is free software and I've collaborated with Py-Trello team to include all features required for Djanban.

System packages

Run this command to install all the needed packages for this project in Ubuntu/Debian.

sudo apt-get -y install git python python-dev virtualenv build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev\
   libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev

Other packages

Django, python-mysql and more packages specified in requirements.txt.

External requirements (optional)


cloc is a tool to count lines of code.

It is used to compute the errors per LOC when assessing code quality.


PHP Mess Detector is needed in you want to assess PHP code.

Install it by typing in Linux:

sudo apt-get install phpmd

Or in MacOS (using brew):

brew install homebrew/php/phpmd


Local settings

Copy this code and create a file in your server in src.

Write your database credentials and your domain. Switch off debug messages.

I've used MySQL as the DBMS but you can use whatever you want.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# SECURITY WARNING: keep the secret key used in production secret!
SECRET_KEY = '<whatever string you want>'

# SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production!
DEBUG = True

# Set your email to be notified when a 500 error happens
    ("Your name", ""),

DOMAIN = "<your domain>"

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.<dbms>',
        'NAME': '<database name>',
        'USER': '<user>',
        'PASSWORD': '<password>',
        'HOST': '',
        'PORT': ''

LANGUAGE_CODE = '<language code>'

EMAIL_HOST = '<email host>'
EMAIL_PORT = <email host portr>
EMAIL_HOST_USER = '<email host user>'
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = '<email host user password>'
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = '<email host user from email>'
SERVER_EMAIL = '<email host user from email>'

# Date format that will be used in templates, by default is Y-m-d. Optional.

# Datetime format that will be used in templates, by default is Y-m-d H:i. Optional.

Sign up

Sign up

Sign up with your Trello credentials

First you need to sign up with the api key, token and token secret.

This action will create a new user in the system.

User your email to log in the application.

Sign up

Standard sign up

Don't have Trello account? Or don't want Trello synchronization? Register as a new user fulfilling the form.

NOTE: Trello synchronization can't be added later for the moment, so please choose wisely

Initialize boards and lists

Later, you need to initialize the boards.

Use this command:

python src/ init <trello_username>

This initialization is only done for boards that are not initialized.

So, if you create a new board, execute the command again without fear of losing data.

Set up boards

Setting up which lists of the board are the "development" and "done" lists.

Thus, the rest of the lists must be positioned before or after the development lists.

View board lists

Fetch cards

And of course, you have to fetch the cards.

python src/ fetch <trello_username>

You'll need to set this action in a cron action and call it each hour or half-hour.

This process takes several seconds for each board (only three requests are needed per board). In my tests, for 4 boards, the process takes 1 minute.

If you want to call this action, there is a button that allows you to fetch all the board data:

Fetch board data

And that's all, then you have several interfaces with data about members, labels, cards and daily spent times

Assess repository code (optional)

Run this command once a day to assess the code quality of your GitLab repositories.

python src/ assess_code_quality


Want to test this web application?

Run this commands in your terminal:

sudo apt-get -y install git python python-dev virtualenv build-essential\ 
    libssl-dev libffi-dev libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev
git clone
cd djanban

And open your favorite web browser in the address https://localhost:8000

Board interfaces

Board header

Board header

Board view

Board index

Board public view

A subset of board view, this view allows sharing stats with stakeholders that are not members of each Trello board.

Board cards

Board cards

Card reviews

To mark a card as reviewed, write **Reviewed by ** followed by the prefixed-by-@-usernames of the board members that reviewed this card.

For example: Reviewed by @anastasious45 @petra99 means that both members (anastasious45 and petra99 have contributed to this card review.)

Card review

Board blocked cards

To block a card, make a comment in the blocked card with the following text: Blocked by CARD_URL where CARD_URL is the URL of the blocking card in this board.

Board blocked cards

Board requirements

To associate a card to a requirement make a comment in that card with the following text: Task of requirement REQUIREMENT_CODE where REQUIREMENT_CODE is the unique requirement code of this requirement.

Board blocked cards

Board labels

Board labels

Board members

Board members

Board spent times

Board spent times

Member interfaces

What members have access to at least one board



There is no use of django permissions yet.

Only board creators have especial permissions with the board they created.


Daily report

Send a daily report with the spent times to each administrator user:

python src/ reporter daily_report [date of the report, by default today]

Daily development report

Send a daily report with the spent times of each developer.

python src/ reporter daily_development_report [date of the report, by default today]

Weekly report

Send a weekly report with the spent times to each administrator user:

python src/ reporter weekly_report [date whose week we want to get the report, by default current week]

Monthly report

Send a monthly report with the spent times to each administrator user:

python src/ reporter monthly_report [date whose month we want to get the report, by default current month]


Workflows are a feature that will allow you to define what lists have to be considered to measure spent, estimated and card living times.

Workflow stats are partially completed. Only the average time in each list and the standard deviation time on each list is shown for each workflow.


If you want to implement some feature, or fix some bug, please contact me.

I would gladly accept feature requests, pull requests and suggestions.


  • intelligenia, the place where I worked while developing this project in my own free time. intelligenia also supported some of the development of this project.
  • Trello, for making the best web kanban board and providing the developers with an API.
  • My former development team in intelligenia: Brian Holsters & Francisco Morales for testing the app and suggesting new features.

Legal notice

This project is not affiliated, endorsed or supported in any way by Trello Inc.

Trello is a registered trademark in USA and other countries.

This project uses Trello API to help users of Trello to get some useful charts, lists and stats.

This project was started by Diego J. Romero-López.

The license of this project is MIT.

Project logos have been created with Mark Maker.

Questions? Suggestions? Need some help?

Don't hesitate to contact me, write me to diegojREMOVETHISromeroREMOVETHISlopez@REMOVETHISgmail.REMOVETHIScom.

(remove REMOVETHIS to see the real email address)