dash-holiday-creator provides great holidays to you !!
$ npm install
$ npm start
Please open the following config file and input the necessary data.
"client": {
"user": "xxxxxxxx@gmail.com", // your Gmail address
"clientId": "xxxxxxxx.googleusercontent.com", // your Gmail clientId
"clientSecret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // your Gmail client secret
"refreshToken": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // your Gmail refresh token
"buttons": [
"MACAddress": "xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx", // MAC address of Amazon Dash Button
"to": "xxxxxxxx@xxxx.com", // destination of E-Mail
"myName": "名無しさん@休みたい", // your name in subject and message
"request": "午前休", // your request
"reason": "私用" // the reason for your request