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An API facilitating file attachment storage in Digital Catapult's Sequence (SQNC) ledger-based solution


Use a .env at root of the repository to set values for the environment variables defined in .env file.

variable required default description
PORT N 3000 The port for the API to listen on
DB_PORT N 5432 The port for the database
DB_HOST Y - The database hostname / host
DB_NAME N sqnc-attachment-api The database name
DB_USERNAME Y - The database username
DB_PASSWORD Y - The database password
IDENTITY_SERVICE_HOST Y - Hostname of the sqnc-identity-service
IDENTITY_SERVICE_PORT N 3000 Port of the sqnc-identity-service
LOG_LEVEL N info Logging level. Valid values are [trace, debug, info, warn, error, fatal]
IPFS_HOST Y - Hostname of the IPFS node to use for metadata storage
IPFS_PORT N 5001 Port of the IPFS node to use for metadata storage
WATCHER_POLL_PERIOD_MS N 10000 Number of ms between polling of service state
WATCHER_TIMEOUT_MS N 2000 Timeout period in ms for service state
API_SWAGGER_BG_COLOR N #fafafa CSS _color* val for UI bg ( try: e4f2f3 , e7f6e6 or f8dddd )
API_SWAGGER_TITLE N IdentityAPI String used to customise the title of the html page
API_SWAGGER_HEADING N IdentityService String used to customise the H2 heading
IDP_CLIENT_ID Y - OAuth2 client-id to use when validating authentication headers
IDP_PUBLIC_URL_PREFIX Y - URL prefix to apply to access the IDP endpoints from the public internet
IDP_INTERNAL_URL_PREFIX Y - URL prefix to apply to access the IDP endpoints from within the Sequence deployment's network
IDP_TOKEN_PATH N /token Path to append to the appropriate prefix to determine the OAuth2 token endpoint
IDP_JWKS_PATH N /certs Path to append to the appropriate prefix to determine the OAuth2 JWKS endpoint

Getting started

# start dependencies
docker compose up -d
# install packages
npm i
# run migrations
npm run db:migrate
# start service in dev mode. In order to start in full - npm start"
npm run dev

If you want to see telemetry (this brings up jaeger and exports logs to it)

# start dependencies with
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml -f ./docker-compose.telemetry.yml up -d
# install packages
npm i
# run migrations
npm run db:migrate
# start service in dev mode. In order to start in full - npm start"
npm run dev:telemetry

View OpenAPI documentation for all routes with Swagger:



before performing any database interactions like clean/migrate make sure you have database running e.g. docker-compose up -d or any local instance if not using docker

# running migrations
npm run db:migrate

# creating new migration
## install npx globally
npm i -g knex
## make new migration with some prefixes
npx knex migrate:make attachment-table


Unit tests are executed by calling:

npm run test:unit

Integration tests require the test dependency services be brought up using docker:

# start dependencies
docker compose -f ./docker-compose-test.yml up -d
# install packages
npm ci
# run migrations
npm run db:migrate

Integration tests are then executed by calling (tests are set up in a way where we are a proxy for Dave by default):

npm run test:integration

API design

sqnc-attachment-api provides a RESTful OpenAPI-based interface for third parties and front-ends to interact with attachments in Sequence (SQNC). The design prioritises:

  1. RESTful design principles:
    • all endpoints describing discrete operations on path derived entities.
    • use of HTTP verbs to describe whether state is modified, whether the action is idempotent etc.
    • HTTP response codes indicating the correct status of the request.
    • HTTP response bodies including the details of a query response or details about the entity being created/modified.
  2. Simplicity of structure. The API should be easily understood by a third party and traversable.
  3. Simplicity of usage:
    • all APIs that take request bodies taking a JSON structured request with the exception of attachment upload (which is idiomatically represented as a multipart form).
    • all APIs which return a body returning a JSON structured response (again with the exception of attachments.
  4. Abstraction of the underlying DLT components. This means no token Ids, no block numbers etc.
  5. Conflict free identifiers. All identifiers must be conflict free as updates can come from third party organisations.


The API is authenticated and should be accessed with an OAuth2 JWT Bearer token obtained following the OAuth2 client-credentials flow against the deployment's identity-provider.

Attachment entities

The top level entity attachment, which accepts a multipart/form-data payload for uploading a file or application/json for uploading JSON as a file. This will return an id that can then be used when preparing entity updates to attach files.

  • POST /v1/attachment - upload a file.
  • GET /v1/attachment - list attachments.
  • GET /v1/attachment/{attachmentId} - download an attachment.