Based on simple iterative method of triangulation. Complexity in worse case is O(N^2), in avgerange, O(N^3/2).
Data structures
TVertex = record
x, y: Float;
TVertex3d = record
x, y, z: Float;
TContour = record
Count: Integer;
Hole: Boolean;
Vertices: PVertexArray;
TPolygon = record
Count: Integer;
Contours: PContourArray;
TCell = record
Polygon: TPolygon;
Vertex: TVertex;
Value: Float;
TRectFloat = record
case Boolean of
True: (left, top, right, bottom: Float);
False:(TopLeft, BottomRight: TVertex);
Main function
function VoronoiDiagrams(
const Points: PVertex3dArray; { Array of initial 3D points }
const PointCount: Integer; { Lenght of the points array }
var Cells: PCellArray; { Array of Voronoi diagrams to build (return value) }
var CellCount: Integer; { Length of the cells array (return value) }
const Rct: PRectFloat { Bounding box to clip infinite cells }
): Boolean;
Let we have some map
Voronoi diagrams built on that values are
After merging neighbouring cells that have the same values, we get United Voronoi diagrams
Smoothing methods
smNone -- Not smooth
smAvg -- Averange method
smMiddle -- Middle line method
smGaussian -- Gaussian kernel method
smParabolic -- Parabolic splines
smBSplines -- B-Splines
smBezier, -- Bezier method
smCubic -- Cubic splines
smCatmullRom -- Catmull Rom splines
Main function
function UnitedVoronoiDiagrams(
const Points: PVertex3dArray; { Array of initial 3D points }
const PointCount: Integer; { Lenght of the points array }
var Cells: PCellArray; { Array of Voronoi diagrams to build (return value) }
var CellCount: Integer; { Length of the cells array (return value) }
const Rct: PRectFloat; { Bounding box to clip infinite cells }
SmoothMethod: Integer { Smothing method of the merged edges }
): Boolean;
Smoothed version of the United Voronoi diagrams look like
Mark grid nodes as 1 if a node in the polygon, and 0 otherwise. Complexity is O(N + MlogM), where N -- grid nodes, M -- polygon points.
Main function
function GridInPolygon(
Polygon: PPolygon; { Clipping polygon (can contain holes) }
X, Y: PFloatArray; { Array of X and Y coordinates respectively }
CountX, CountY: Integer; { Length of the X and Y arrays respectively }
Grid: P2dByteArray; { Grid bitmap (return value) }
bBounded: Boolean { Take into account edge intersections or not }
): Boolean;
Red grid nodes are inside the polygon, blacks, outside (in holes)
Given a set of properly directed contours, the algorithm finds all cycles and returns a result polygon (set of contours and holes). The complexity is O(NlogN).
Blue regions are the result polygons, the white zones inside, holes. The border of the each polygon comprises of the parts of the original contours. In case of the last closing contour has wrong direction the cycle is considered not found, there must be applied some kind of direction tolernt algorithm, f.e. based on triangulation or other methods.
This is some variation of "Line Segment Intersection Using a Sweep Line Algorithm" followed by "Donald B. Johnson, Finding all the elementary circuits of a directed graph".
Given 2D irregular grid (surface) defined by 1D arrays of X, Y, and 2D array of Z values.
For each min(Z) <= Z' <= max(Z) value builds isolines or isocontours (closed version of
isolines) depending on if bClosure flag of CreateIsolines
function is set.
How to use
- Initialize a gid and internal control structures, i.e. call
. - For each Z from [min(Z), max(Z)] call
. If you want just isolines setbClosure
, otherwise,True
. - Release the grid and all resources, i.e. call