Example configuration for Madoc. This is a forkable configuration.
Use this tool to generate a new hash:
$ bin/generate-password <new secure password>
Modify database/sql/09-user.sql
and swap the password hash there for the one you've generated.
To generate a complete new user (sql) you can use this tool. It will output SQL that can be added to the sql/09-user.sql
file and will be generated on boot.
$ bin/generate-user <username> <email> <password> [group]
The default group is global_admin
To get started simply run:
docker-compose up
This will start Madoc on localhost at http://localhost:8898/ with the annotation server available at http://localhost:8899/
For local development, currently (in pre-release v1.2.x) you have to create the search index manually. Once you have your containers running, you can simply run:
curl -X "PUT" "http://localhost:9203/jane-annotations"
and this will allow you to start using the statistics module and also start indexing the annotations. Elasticsearch is available at: http://localhost:9203/jane-annotations/_search
and the search interface (Jane Founda) is available at http://localhost:8103/.