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Overview of requirements, architecture, and tasks for digitalizing

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Overview of requirements, architecture, and tasks for digitalizing

Note: We will have our first milestone meeting at room 003 at the Berkaer Straße 1.

Requirements collected via Arch42

Project Resources

Use our Slack-Channel to collaborate with your peers or with Prof. Dr. Nobert Siegmund / Jonas Hecht

Invitation link to Slack

Slides about Motivation, Grading, ...

How to Find References for the Presentation, Implementation, and Tutorial

  • Google: Topic + Tutorial / Guide / Video / Intro / Example
  • Stackoverflow: In case of problems
  • Youtube: Topic + 15min Introduction / Tutorial
  • Developer blogs
  • Github repos

Concrete Tasks and Time Schedule (in progress... changes may apply)


MicroService 1: Anmeldung

  • Frontend Philipp R. & Jiani Q.:

    • 08.12.2017: Demonstrate the frontend of the most essential functions (defined in collaboration with the product owner)
    • 19.01.2018: Final demonstration of all realized functions at the frontend
    • 16.02.2018: Jiani: Node.js + NPM
    • 29.03.2018: Philipp: ECMAScript + Web pack?
  • REST Lucas H.

    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> SpringBoot with REST: How to realize REST Services? What does @RESTController do? How does it work? Given an introduction.
    • 05.02.2018: Tutorial: What do you have to do to get things started? Make a simple but good tutorial for your collegues.
  • SpringBoot Anny H.

    • 08.12.2017: Theory -> Give an overview about SpringBoot. Why is it important? What is Auto Conf? What are the starter POMs (Maven Integration)? What means convention over configuration?
    • 16.02.2018: Tutorial: Give an tutorial about setting up a MicroService with SpringBoot.
  • Datenbank David F.

    • 19.01.2018: (in collaboration with MS2 Artur S.) Demonstration: How are the database schema and the database commands been realized in both MicroServices? How did you implement the requirements?
    • 29.03.2018: (30min!) Theory -> What is CQRS Pattern + Event Sourcing? Give an intro and why it is important. Provide a small tutorial or code examples.

MicroService 2: Administration

  • Frontend Max V. & Fabienne H. -08.12.2017: Demonstrate the frontend of the most essential functions (defined in collaboration with the product owner)

    • 19.01.2018: Final demonstration of all realized functions at the frontend
    • 29.03.2018: Theory of Vue.js -> What is it? Why is it good? What are the important features? How to get started?
  • REST Jonas L.

    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> History about distributed system communication (e.g., Middleware, Java RMI). What is now different with REST? What is REST about? How does it work?
    • 29.03.2018: Demonstration: How does it work in the MicroService? What is the relation to the database and frontend?
  • SpringBoot Josef R.

    • 08.12.2017: Theory -> What are SpringBoot metrics? What can they show us and why are they important?
    • 29.03.2018: Demonstration: How to set up SpringBoot Metrics in the MicroService? Show how to get metrics running for the MicroService.
  • ~~Datenbank Artur S.

    • 19.01.2018: (in collaboration with MS1 David F.) Demonstration: How are the database schema and the database commands been realized in both MicroServices? How did you implement the requirements?
    • 16.02.2018: (30min!) Theory -> What is an Object-Relation Mapper (OR-Mapper)? What is Hybernate and JPA? How does it work? Give an overview with code examples.~~

Continuous Integration & Infrastructure

  • Ansible Leon H.
    • 08.12.2017: Theory -> What is infrastructure as code and why is it important? What is Ansible?
    • 29.03.2018: Tutorial: Show how to write an Ansible file by setting up the environment for the MicroSerivce we used and deploying it.
  • ~~Docker Michael S.
    • 19.91.2018: Theory -> What is Docker? Why is it different to vitual environments? How is Docker used for MicroServices?
    • 23.02.2018: Tutorial: Show how to write a Docker file and how to use existing Docker files. Show the example by embedding an MicroService into a Docker Container.~~
  • Logging Benjamin B.
    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> What is SLF4J? What is LogBack? How to realize the logging stack (from code to analysis) of MicroServices?
    • 29.03.2018: Tutorial: Show how to set up Logging in the MicroServices we used and how to analyze them.
  • Maven Lisa G.
    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> What are build tools? What is Maven? Why is Maven so special?
    • 29.03.2018: Tutorial: Show how to create simple POM files and explain the POM-files we are using in the MicroServices.
  • TravisCI Jonas D.
    • 08.12.2017: Theory -> What is continuous integration? What is Travis CI?
    • 16.02.2018: Tutorial: Show how to set up Travis CI support for the two MicroServices and present some results of the development process using Travis CI.
  • SonarQube Maximilian M.
    • 08.12.2017: Theory -> What is SonarQube? Why is it and other approaches, such as Coveralls important?
    • 19.01.2018: Tutorial: Show how to set up SonarCloud and demonstrate analyses based on the two MicroServices.
  • JUnit Marcel H.
    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> What is JUnit? What features are new to version 5? What are good practices?
    • 29.03.2018: Tutorial: Show how to create Unit Tests and what tests you and others have been created for the MicroServices.
  • Nightwatch Jana P.
    • 19.01.2018: Theory -> How to test Web pages? What is Nightwatch? Why is it important?
    • 16.02.2018: Tutorial: Show how to set up tests for the frontend using one or both MicroServices.
  • ~~Product Owner Viktor B.
    • 23.02.2018: Theory -> What is domain-driven design? Give an overivew with examples.
    • 23.02.2018: Report: Provide an experience report about handling the issues and selecting important ones. Also, demonstrate how to properly use GitHub issues.~~


Overview of requirements, architecture, and tasks for digitalizing






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