This package is no longer maintained, as there is now an official BundleTransformer packages that does the same. Please see
This is a .NET adaptation of Autoprefixer, a great Javascript library by Andrey Sitnik.
Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from Can I Use.
Write your CSS rules without vendor prefixes (in fact, forget about them entirely):
:fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s
Process your CSS by Autoprefixer:
using (var autoprefixer = new Autoprefixer.Compiler(() => new V8JsEngine()) {
var prefixed = autoprefixer.Prefix(css,
new BrowserSpecification()
.BrowserVersionGreaterThan(Browsers.Explorer, 7)
It will use the data on current browser popularity and properties support to apply prefixes for you:
:-webkit-full-screen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s
:-moz-full-screen a {
transition: transform 1s
:-ms-fullscreen a {
transition: transform 1s
:fullscreen a {
-webkit-transition: -webkit-transform 1s;
transition: transform 1s
You can use it independently, or with BundleTransformer.
Autoprefixer is installed via Nuget.
> Install-Package Autoprefixer
Everything you need is in the Autoprefixer
namespace (see example above). You'll also need to pick a Javascript engine to use, we recommend the JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.V8
Nuget package.
Install-Package BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer.Unofficial
This is an unofficial translator for BundleTransformer. To configure it, make the following changes to your web.config (assuming you already have BundleTransformer set up correctly):
<sectionGroup name="bundleTransformer">
<section name="core" type="BundleTransformer.Core.Configuration.CoreSettings, BundleTransformer.Core"/>
<!-- add this line: -->
<section name="autoprefixer" type="BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer.Configuration.AutoprefixerSettings, BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer"/>
<sectionGroup name="jsEngineSwitcher">
<!-- you probably have this -->
<section name="core" type="JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core.Configuration.CoreConfiguration, JavaScriptEngineSwitcher.Core"/>
<bundleTransformer xmlns="">
<!-- add this line AFTER any other translators: -->
<add name="AutoprefixerTranslator" type="BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer.Translators.AutoprefixerTranslator, BundleTransformer.Autoprefixer" enabled="true"/>
<autoprefixer cascade="true">
<!-- pick your javascript engine -->
<jsEngine name="V8JsEngine"/>
<!-- write definitions from -->
<add definition="last 3 version"/>
determines if you want a visual cascade of vendor-prefixes:
a {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box