This project was started at the Spring Digital Health Oxford Hack Weekend in May 2016. The overall aim was to identify publicly available data related to TB / occurrence, extract, analyse and present in a useful format.
Steps needed to setup:
- Create virtualenv and add required python modules
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create database and tables using sql provided in SQL directory
$ mysql
mysql> create database tbtracker;
mysql> create user 'tbtracker_user'@'localhost' identified by 'password';
mysql> grant all privileges on tbtracker.* to 'tbtracker_user'@'localhost';
mysql> flush privileges;
$ mysql tbtracker -u tbtracker_user -p < SQL/tbtracker_structure.sql
- Create config file and update credentials for new mysql user
$ cp config_example.yaml config.yaml
- Run scripts to extract data
$ ./
$ ./