A ROS node to convert lidar point cloud bag to depth image
Tested with ros-melodic. (11/18/2021 I wanted to try noetic, but it looks like ros_pcl
has not been updated for noetic yet)
You'll need to install tf2_sensor_msgs
with sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-geometry2
Example use:
rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/front/optical/camera_info
The node publishes an image topic /depth_image
containing a uint16
The camera_info topic must contain an optical frame, that is,
- origin of frame should be optical center of camera
- +x should point to the right in the image
- +y should point down in the image
- +z should point into the plane of the image
Source: CameraInfo
Otherwise the transforms for projecting the pointcloud into the image plane will be incorrectly oriented.
Launch file for syncronizing and projecting depth maps for RELLIS 3D https://unmannedlab.github.io/research/RELLIS-3D
Set params in
Start launch file
roslaunch extract_rellis_images.launch
- Run
cd RELLIS-3D/utils
python stereo_camerainfo_pub.py
`` `
4. Then start the bag playback
rosbag play "/home/jpldev/Datasets/Rellis_3D_unzip/Rellis-3D/example_filtered.bag" /nerian/left/camera_info:=/nerian/left/camera_info_mono /nerian/right/camera_info:=/nerian/right/camera_info_mono --pause
## Depth encoding
The depth values of the image use the same encoding as the KITTI dataset
> How the depth map is encoded in KITTI data:
Depth maps (annotated and raw Velodyne scans) are saved as uint16 PNG images,
which can be opened with either MATLAB, libpng++ or the latest version of
Python's pillow (from PIL import Image). A 0 value indicates an invalid pixel
(ie, no ground truth exists, or the estimation algorithm didn't produce an
estimate for that pixel). Otherwise, the depth for a pixel can be computed
in meters by converting the uint16 value to float and dividing it by 256.0:
> ```
> disp(u,v) = ((float)I(u,v))/256.0;
> valid(u,v) = I(u,v)>0;
> ```
> [Source: KITTI DevKit](https://github.com/joseph-zhong/KITTI-devkit/blob/master/readme.md)
## Examples
For enhanced visualization, set
rosparam set visualize true
This makes every lidar point project to a 3x3 pixel patch instead of a single pixel and scales the depth values to the full image range.
Different cameras will project the same lidar points to a different perspective
For example, the same point cloud, but different cameras were used for the following examples.
rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/front/optical/camera_info

rosrun lidar2depth lidar2depth_node points:=/X1/points/ camera_info:=/X1/rear/optical/camera_info