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dikhan committed Jul 17, 2020
1 parent 68c788d commit debe681
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Showing 2 changed files with 62 additions and 120 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions openapi/resource_factory.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -524,12 +524,15 @@ func (r resourceFactory) createPayloadFromLocalStateData(resourceLocalData *sche

func (r resourceFactory) populatePayload(input map[string]interface{}, property *SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty, dataValue interface{}) error {
if property.isReadOnly() {
return nil
if property == nil {
return errors.New("populatePayload must receive a non nil property")
if dataValue == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("property '%s' has a nil state dataValue", property.Name)
if property.isReadOnly() {
return nil
dataValueKind := reflect.TypeOf(dataValue).Kind()
switch dataValueKind {
case reflect.Map:
Expand Down
175 changes: 57 additions & 118 deletions openapi/resource_factory_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1795,50 +1795,59 @@ func TestCreatePayloadFromLocalStateData(t *testing.T) {

for _, tc := range testCases {
r, resourceData := testCreateResourceFactory(t, tc.inputProps...)
payload := r.createPayloadFromLocalStateData(resourceData)
assert.Equal(t, tc.expectedPayload, payload,
Convey("Given a resource factory", t, func() {
for _, tc := range testCases {
r, resourceData := testCreateResourceFactory(t, tc.inputProps...)
Convey(fmt.Sprintf("When createPayloadFromLocalStateData method is called: %s",, func() {
payload := r.createPayloadFromLocalStateData(resourceData)
Convey("Then the result returned should be the expected one", func() {
So(payload, ShouldResemble, tc.expectedPayload)


func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
Convey("Given a resource factory"+
"When populatePayload is called with a nil property"+
"Then it panics", t, func() {
input := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue := struct{}{}

Convey("Given a resource factory", t, func() {
resourceFactory := resourceFactory{}
So(func() { resourceFactory.populatePayload(input, nil, dataValue) }, ShouldPanic)
Convey("When populatePayload is called with a nil property it panics", func() {
err := resourceFactory.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, nil, struct{}{})
Convey("Then the error returned should be the expected one", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `populatePayload must receive a non nil property`)

Convey("Given a resource factory"+
"When populatePayload is called with a nil datavalue"+
"Then it returns an error", t, func() {
input := map[string]interface{}{}
Convey("Given a resource factory", t, func() {
resourceFactory := resourceFactory{}
So(resourceFactory.populatePayload(input, &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{Name: "buu"}, nil).Error(), ShouldEqual, `property 'buu' has a nil state dataValue`)
Convey("When populatePayload is called with a nil datavalue", func() {
err := resourceFactory.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{Name: "buu"}, nil)
Convey("Then the error returned should be the expected one", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, `property 'buu' has a nil state dataValue`)

Convey("Given a resource factory"+
"When it is called with non-nil property and value for dataValue which cannot be cast to []interface{}"+
"Then it panics", t, func() {
input := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue := []bool{}
property := &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{}
Convey("Given a resource factory", t, func() {
resourceFactory := resourceFactory{}
So(func() { resourceFactory.populatePayload(input, property, dataValue) }, ShouldPanic)
Convey("When it is called with non-nil property and value for dataValue which cannot be cast to []interface{} it panics", func() {
So(func() {
resourceFactory.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{}, []bool{})
}, ShouldPanic)

Convey("Given the function handleSliceOrArray"+
"When it is called with an empty slice for dataValue"+
"Then it should not return an error", t, func() {
input := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue := []interface{}{}
property := &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{}
Convey("Given a resource factory", t, func() {
resourceFactory := resourceFactory{}
e := resourceFactory.populatePayload(input, property, dataValue)
So(e, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("When it is called with an empty slice for dataValue", func() {
err := resourceFactory.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, &SpecSchemaDefinitionProperty{}, []interface{}{})
Convey("Then it should not return an error", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)

Convey("Given a resource factory initialized with a spec resource with a schema definition containing a string property", t, func() {
Expand All @@ -1849,16 +1858,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(stringProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, stringProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the string property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, stringProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[stringProperty.Name], ShouldEqual, stringProperty.Default)
Expand All @@ -1872,16 +1875,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(intProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, intProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the integer property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, intProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[intProperty.Name], ShouldEqual, intProperty.Default)
Expand All @@ -1895,16 +1892,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(numberProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, numberProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the number property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, numberProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[numberProperty.Name], ShouldEqual, numberProperty.Default)
Expand All @@ -1918,16 +1909,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(boolProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, boolProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the bool property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, boolProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[boolProperty.Name], ShouldEqual, boolProperty.Default)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1955,16 +1940,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(objectProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, objectProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the object property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, objectProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[objectProperty.Name].(map[string]interface{})[objectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[0].Name], ShouldEqual, objectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[0].Default.(int))
So(payload[objectProperty.Name].(map[string]interface{})[objectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[1].Name], ShouldEqual, objectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[1].Default)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1998,19 +1977,14 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(sliceObjectProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, sliceObjectProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file properly formatter with the right types and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the object property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, sliceObjectProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file properly formatter with the right types", func() {
// For some reason the data values in the terraform state file are all strings
So(payload[sliceObjectProperty.Name].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})[sliceObjectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[0].Name], ShouldEqual, sliceObjectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[0].Default.(int))
So(payload[sliceObjectProperty.Name].([]interface{})[0].(map[string]interface{})[sliceObjectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[1].Name], ShouldEqual, sliceObjectProperty.SpecSchemaDefinition.Properties[1].Default)

Expand All @@ -2023,16 +1997,10 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(slicePrimitiveProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, slicePrimitiveProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then then payload returned should have the data value from the state file and the error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the object property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, slicePrimitiveProperty.Name)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the data value from the state file", func() {
So(payload[slicePrimitiveProperty.Name].([]interface{})[0], ShouldEqual, slicePrimitiveProperty.Default.([]interface{})[0])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2078,36 +2046,27 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
expectedPropertyWithNestedObjectName := "property_with_nested_object"
propertyWithNestedObject := newObjectSchemaDefinitionPropertyWithDefaults(expectedPropertyWithNestedObjectName, "", true, false, false, propertyWithNestedObjectDefault, propertyWithNestedObjectSchemaDefinition)
r, resourceData := testCreateResourceFactory(t, propertyWithNestedObject)

Convey("When populatePayload is called a slice with >1 dataValue, it complains", func() {
err := r.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, propertyWithNestedObject, []interface{}{"foo", "bar", "baz"})
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "something is really wrong object property with nested objects should have exactly one elem in the terraform state list")

Convey("When populatePayload is called a slice with <1 dataValue, it complains", func() {
err := r.populatePayload(map[string]interface{}{}, propertyWithNestedObject, []interface{}{})
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "something is really wrong object property with nested objects should have exactly one elem in the terraform state list")


Convey("When populatePayload is called with an empty map, the property with nested object in the resource schema and it's corresponding terraform resourceData state data value", func() {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(propertyWithNestedObject.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, propertyWithNestedObject, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then the the map returned should contain the 'property_with_nested_object' property configured as expected and error should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the map returned should not be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldNotBeEmpty)
Convey("Then the map returned should contain the 'property_with_nested_object' property", func() {
So(payload, ShouldContainKey, expectedPropertyWithNestedObjectName)
topLevel := payload[expectedPropertyWithNestedObjectName].(map[string]interface{})
Convey("And then payload returned should have the id property with the right value", func() {
topLevel := payload[expectedPropertyWithNestedObjectName].(map[string]interface{})
So(topLevel, ShouldContainKey, idProperty.Name)
So(topLevel[idProperty.Name], ShouldEqual, propertyWithNestedObjectSchemaDefinition.Properties[0].Default)
Convey("And then payload returned should have the nested_object object property with the right value", func() {
So(topLevel, ShouldContainKey, nestedObject.Name)
nestedLevel := topLevel[nestedObject.Name].(map[string]interface{})
So(nestedLevel["origin_port"], ShouldEqual, propertyWithNestedObjectSchemaDefinition.Properties[1].Default.(map[string]interface{})["origin_port"])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2146,10 +2105,8 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(propertyWithNestedObject.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, propertyWithNestedObject, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should not be nil", func() {
Convey("Then the map returned should be empty and the error should be the expected one", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "property with terraform name 'badprotocoldoesntexist' not existing in resource schema definition")
Convey("Then the map returned should be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldBeEmpty)
Expand All @@ -2164,17 +2121,13 @@ func TestGetPropertyPayload(t *testing.T) {
sliceObjectProperty := newListSchemaDefinitionPropertyWithDefaults("slice_object_property_doesn_not_exists", "", true, false, false, arrayObjectDefault, TypeObject, objectSchemaDefinition)

r, resourceData := testCreateResourceFactory(t, sliceObjectProperty)

Convey("When populatePayload is called with an empty map, the property slice of objects in the resource schema are not found", func() {
payload := map[string]interface{}{}
dataValue, _ := resourceData.GetOkExists(sliceObjectProperty.GetTerraformCompliantPropertyName())
err := r.populatePayload(payload, sliceObjectProperty, dataValue)
Convey("Then the error should not be nil", func() {
Convey("Then the map returned should be empty and the error should be the expected one", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "property 'slice_object_property_doesn_not_exists' has a nil state dataValue")
Convey("Then the map returned should be empty", func() {
So(payload, ShouldBeEmpty)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2205,10 +2158,8 @@ func TestGetStatusValueFromPayload(t *testing.T) {
statusDefaultPropertyName: expectedStatusValue,
statusField, err := r.getStatusValueFromPayload(payload)
Convey("Then the error returned should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then value returned should contain the name of the property 'status' and the error returned should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the value returned should contain the name of the property 'status'", func() {
So(statusField, ShouldEqual, expectedStatusValue)
Expand All @@ -2218,9 +2169,6 @@ func TestGetStatusValueFromPayload(t *testing.T) {
"someOtherPropertyName": "arggg",
_, err := r.getStatusValueFromPayload(payload)
Convey("Then the error returned should NOT be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Then the error message should be", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "payload does not match resouce schema, could not find the status field: [status]")
Expand All @@ -2231,9 +2179,6 @@ func TestGetStatusValueFromPayload(t *testing.T) {
statusDefaultPropertyName: 12, // this value is not supported, only strings and maps (for nested properties within an object) are supported
_, err := r.getStatusValueFromPayload(payload)
Convey("Then the error returned should NOT be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Convey("Then the error message should be", func() {
So(err.Error(), ShouldEqual, "status property value '[status]' does not have a supported type [string/map]")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2281,10 +2226,8 @@ func TestGetStatusValueFromPayload(t *testing.T) {
statusField, err := r.getStatusValueFromPayload(payload)
Convey("Then the error returned should be nil", func() {
Convey("Then the value returned should contain the name of the property 'status' and the error returned should be nil", func() {
So(err, ShouldBeNil)
Convey("Then the value returned should contain the name of the property 'status'", func() {
So(statusField, ShouldEqual, expectedStatusValue)
Expand All @@ -2307,10 +2250,8 @@ func TestGetResourceDataOKExists(t *testing.T) {

Convey("When getResourceDataOKExists is called with a schema definition property name that has a preferred name and that exists in terraform resource data object", func() {
value, exists := r.getResourceDataOKExists(stringWithPreferredNameProperty.Name, resourceData)
Convey("Then the bool returned should be true", func() {
Convey("Then the bool returned should be true and the returned value should be the expected one", func() {
So(exists, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("And then expectedValue should equal", func() {
So(value, ShouldEqual, stringWithPreferredNameProperty.Default)
Expand All @@ -2328,10 +2269,8 @@ func TestGetResourceDataOKExists(t *testing.T) {
r, resourceData := testCreateResourceFactory(t, stringPropertyWithNonCompliantName)
Convey("When getResourceDataOKExists is called with a schema definition property name that exists in terraform resource data object", func() {
value, exists := r.getResourceDataOKExists(stringPropertyWithNonCompliantName.Name, resourceData)
Convey("Then the bool returned should be true", func() {
Convey("Then the bool returned should be true and the returned value should be the expected one", func() {
So(exists, ShouldBeTrue)
Convey("And then expectedValue should equal", func() {
So(value, ShouldEqual, stringPropertyWithNonCompliantName.Default)
Expand Down

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