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merged 10 commits into from
Feb 1, 2023
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions futhark.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ library
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322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions src/Futhark/CLI/CompareBench.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
-- | @futhark compare-bench@
module Futhark.CLI.CompareBench (main) where

import Control.Exception (catch)
import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor (bimap, second))
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 qualified as LBS
import Data.Either qualified as E
import Data.List qualified as L
import Data.Map qualified as M
import Data.Text qualified as T
import Data.Vector qualified as V
import Futhark.Bench
import Futhark.Util.Options (mainWithOptions)
import Statistics.Sample qualified as S
import System.Console.ANSI (hSupportsANSI)
import System.IO (stdout)
import Text.Printf (printf)

-- | Record that summerizes a comparison between two benchmarks.
data SpeedUp = SpeedUp
{ -- | What factor the benchmark is improved by.
speedup :: Double,
-- | Memory usage.
memoryUsage :: M.Map T.Text Double,
-- | If the speedup was significant.
significant :: Bool
deriving (Show)

-- | Terminal colors used when printing the comparisons. Some of these are not
-- colors ways of emphasising text.
data Colors = Colors
{ -- | The header color.
header :: String,
WilliamDue marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
-- | Okay color
okblue :: String,
-- | A second okay color
okgreen :: String,
-- | Warning color.
warning :: String,
-- | When something fails.
failing :: String,
-- | Default color.
endc :: String,
-- | Bold text.
bold :: String,
underline :: String -- Underline ^ text.
WilliamDue marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

-- | Colors to use for a terminal device.
ttyColors :: Colors
ttyColors =
{ header = "\ESC[95m",
okblue = "\ESC[94m",
okgreen = "\ESC[92m",
warning = "\ESC[93m",
failing = "\ESC[91m",
endc = "\ESC[0m",
bold = "\ESC[1m",
underline = "\ESC[4m"
athas marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

-- | Colors to use for a non-terminal device.
nonTtyColors :: Colors
nonTtyColors =
{ header = "",
okblue = "",
okgreen = "",
warning = "",
failing = "",
endc = "",
bold = "",
underline = ""

-- | Reads a file without throwing an error.
readFileSafely :: String -> IO (Either String LBS.ByteString)
readFileSafely filepath =
(Right <$> LBS.readFile filepath) `catch` couldNotRead
couldNotRead e = pure $ Left $ show (e :: IOError)

-- | Converts DataResults to a Map with the string as a key.
toDataResultsMap :: [DataResult] -> M.Map String (Either T.Text Result)
toDataResultsMap = M.fromList . fmap toTuple
toTuple (DataResult dataset dataResults) = (dataset, dataResults)

-- | Converts BenchResults to a Map with the file path as a key.
toBenchResultsMap ::
[BenchResult] ->
M.Map String (M.Map String (Either T.Text Result))
toBenchResultsMap = M.fromList . fmap toTuple
toTuple (BenchResult path dataResults) =
(path, toDataResultsMap dataResults)

-- | Given a file path to a json file which has the form of a futhark benchmark
-- result, it will try to parse the file to a Map of Maps. The key
-- in the outer most dictionary is a file path the inner key is the dataset.
decodeFileBenchResultsMap ::
String ->
IO (Either String (M.Map String (M.Map String (Either T.Text Result))))
decodeFileBenchResultsMap path = do
file <- readFileSafely path
pure $ toBenchResultsMap <$> (file >>= decodeBenchResults)

-- | Will return a string with an error saying there is a missing program in a
-- given result.
formatMissingProg :: String -> String -> String -> String
formatMissingProg = printf "In %s but not %s: program %s"

-- | Will return a string with an error saying there is a missing dataset in a
-- given result.
formatMissingData :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String
formatMissingData = printf "In %s but not %s: program %s dataset %s"

-- | Will return strings that say there are a missing program.
formatManyMissingProg :: String -> String -> [String] -> [String]
formatManyMissingProg a_path b_path =
zipWith3 formatMissingProg a_paths b_paths
a_paths = repeat a_path
b_paths = repeat b_path

-- | Will return strings that say there are missing datasets for a program.
formatManyMissingData :: String -> String -> String -> [String] -> [String]
formatManyMissingData prog a_path b_path =
L.zipWith4 formatMissingData a_paths b_paths progs
a_paths = repeat a_path
b_paths = repeat b_path
progs = repeat prog

-- | Finds the keys two Maps does not have in common and returns a appropiate
-- error based on the functioned passed.
missingResults ::
(String -> String -> [String] -> [String]) ->
String ->
String ->
M.Map String a ->
M.Map String b ->
missingResults toMissingMap a_path b_path a_results b_results = missing
a_keys = M.keys a_results
b_keys = M.keys b_results
a_missing = toMissingMap a_path b_path $ a_keys L.\\ b_keys
b_missing = toMissingMap b_path a_path $ b_keys L.\\ a_keys
missing = a_missing `L.union` b_missing

-- | Compares the memory usage of two results.
computeMemoryUsage ::
M.Map T.Text Int ->
M.Map T.Text Int ->
M.Map T.Text Double
computeMemoryUsage a b = M.intersectionWith divide b $ M.filter (/= 0) a
divide x y = fromIntegral x / fromIntegral y

-- | Compares two results and thereby computes the Speed Up records.
compareResult :: Result -> Result -> SpeedUp
compareResult a b =
{ speedup = speedup',
significant = significant',
memoryUsage = memory_usage
runResultToDouble :: RunResult -> Double
runResultToDouble = fromIntegral . runMicroseconds
toVector = V.fromList . (runResultToDouble <$>) . runResults
a_memory_usage = memoryMap a
b_memory_usage = memoryMap b
a_run_results = toVector a
b_run_results = toVector b
a_std = S.stdDev a_run_results
b_std = S.stdDev b_run_results
a_mean = S.mean a_run_results
b_mean = S.mean b_run_results
diff = abs $ a_mean - b_mean
speedup' = a_mean / b_mean
significant' = diff > a_std / 2 + b_std / 2
memory_usage = computeMemoryUsage a_memory_usage b_memory_usage

-- | Given two Maps containing datasets as keys and results as values, compare
-- the results and return the errors in a tuple.
compareDataResults ::
String ->
String ->
String ->
M.Map String (Either T.Text Result) ->
M.Map String (Either T.Text Result) ->
(M.Map String SpeedUp, ([String], [String]))
compareDataResults prog a_path b_path a_data b_data = result
formatMissing = formatManyMissingData prog
partition = E.partitionEithers . fmap sequence . M.toList
(a_errors, a_data') = second M.fromList $ partition a_data
(b_errors, b_data') = second M.fromList $ partition b_data
missing = missingResults formatMissing a_path b_path a_data' b_data'
exists = M.intersectionWith compareResult a_data' b_data'
errors = a_errors ++ b_errors
result = (exists, (T.unpack <$> errors, missing))

-- | Given two Maps containing program file paths as keys and values as datasets
-- with results. Compare the results for each dataset in each program and
-- return the errors in a tuple.
compareBenchResults ::
String ->
String ->
M.Map String (M.Map String (Either T.Text Result)) ->
M.Map String (M.Map String (Either T.Text Result)) ->
(M.Map String (M.Map String SpeedUp), ([String], [String]))
compareBenchResults a_path b_path a_bench b_bench = (exists, errors_missing)
missing = missingResults formatManyMissingProg a_path b_path a_bench b_bench
result = M.intersectionWithKey auxiliary a_bench b_bench
auxiliary prog = compareDataResults prog a_path b_path
exists = M.filter (not . null) $ fst <$> result
errors_missing' = bimap concat concat . unzip . M.elems $ snd <$> result
errors_missing = second (missing ++) errors_missing'

-- | Formats memory usage such that it is human readable. If the memory usage
-- is not significant an empty string is returned.
memoryFormatter :: Colors -> String -> Double -> String
memoryFormatter colors key value
| value < 0.99 = memoryFormat $ okgreen colors
| value > 1.01 = memoryFormat $ failing colors
| otherwise = ""
memoryFormat c = printf "%s%4.2fx@%s%s" c value key endc'
endc' = endc colors

-- | Given a SpeedUp record the memory usage will be formatted to a colored
-- human readable string.
toMemoryString :: Colors -> SpeedUp -> String
toMemoryString colors data_result
| null memory_string = ""
| otherwise = " (mem: " ++ memory_string ++ ")"
memory_string = M.foldrWithKey formatFolder "" memory
memory = M.mapKeys T.unpack $ memoryUsage data_result
formatFolder key value lst = lst ++ memoryFormatter colors key value

-- | Given a string shorten it to a given length and add a suffix as the last
-- word.
shorten :: Int -> String -> String -> String
shorten c end string
| length string > c = (unwords . init $ words shortened) ++ " " ++ end
| otherwise = string
end_len = length end
(shortened, _) = splitAt (c - end_len) string

-- | Given a string add padding to the right of the string in form of spaces.
rightPadding :: Int -> String -> String
rightPadding c = printf s
s = "%-" ++ show c ++ "s"

-- | Given a SpeedUp record print the SpeedUp in a human readable manner.
printSpeedUp :: Colors -> String -> SpeedUp -> IO ()
printSpeedUp colors dataset data_result = do
let color
| significant data_result && speedup data_result > 1.01 = okgreen colors
| significant data_result && speedup data_result < 0.99 = failing colors
| otherwise = ""
let short_dataset = rightPadding 64 . (++ ":") $ shorten 63 "[...]" dataset
let memory_string = toMemoryString colors data_result
let speedup' = speedup data_result
let endc' = endc colors
let format = " %s%s%10.2fx%s%s"
putStrLn $ printf format short_dataset color speedup' endc' memory_string

-- | Given a Map of SpeedUp records where the key is the program, print the
-- SpeedUp in a human readable manner.
printProgSpeedUps :: Colors -> String -> M.Map String SpeedUp -> IO ()
printProgSpeedUps colors prog bench_result = do
putStrLn ""
putStrLn $ printf "%s%s%s%s" (header colors) (bold colors) prog (endc colors)
mapM_ (uncurry (printSpeedUp colors)) $ M.toList bench_result

-- | Given a Map of programs with dataset speedups and relevant errors, print
-- the errors and print the speedups in a human readable manner.
printComparisons ::
Colors ->
M.Map String (M.Map String SpeedUp) ->
([String], [String]) ->
IO ()
printComparisons colors speedups (errors, missing) = do
mapM_ putStrLn $ L.sort missing
mapM_ putStrLn $ L.sort errors
mapM_ (uncurry (printProgSpeedUps colors)) $ M.toList speedups

-- | Run @futhark compare-bench@
main :: String -> [String] -> IO ()
main = mainWithOptions () [] "<file> <file>" f
f [a_path, b_path] () = Just $ do
a_either <- decodeFileBenchResultsMap a_path
b_either <- decodeFileBenchResultsMap b_path

isTty <- hSupportsANSI stdout

let colors =
if isTty
then ttyColors
else nonTtyColors

let comparePrint =
(uncurry (printComparisons colors) .)
. compareBenchResults a_path b_path

case (a_either, b_either) of
(Left a, Left b) -> putStrLn (a ++ "\n" ++ b)
(Left a, _) -> putStrLn a
(_, Left b) -> putStrLn b
(Right a, Right b) -> comparePrint a b
f _ _ = Nothing
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/Futhark/CLI/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import Futhark.CLI.Bench qualified as Bench
import Futhark.CLI.C qualified as C
import Futhark.CLI.CUDA qualified as CCUDA
import Futhark.CLI.Check qualified as Check
import Futhark.CLI.CompareBench qualified as CompareBench
import Futhark.CLI.Datacmp qualified as Datacmp
import Futhark.CLI.Dataset qualified as Dataset
import Futhark.CLI.Defs qualified as Defs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -77,7 +78,8 @@ commands =
("literate", (Literate.main, "Process a literate Futhark program.")),
("lsp", (LSP.main, "Run LSP server.")),
("thanks", (Misc.mainThanks, "Express gratitude.")),
("tokens", (Misc.mainTokens, "Print tokens from Futhark file."))
("tokens", (Misc.mainTokens, "Print tokens from Futhark file.")),
("compare-bench", (CompareBench.main, "Compare two Futhark benchmarks."))
WilliamDue marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

msg :: String
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