Maven and gradle plugins to publish a docker tarball (e.g. created by jib) to the docker daemon via named pipe (Docker Windows) or unix domain socket (Linux). With this plugin you can publish your images without the need to install the docker CLI.
Example configuration in maven (including jib):
- The jib plugin is configured to create a tarball of the image layers and stores it in
- The load-to-docker-maven-plugin is configured to push the tarball from
to docker. On Windows the plugin will talk to docker via the named pipe\\.\pipe\docker_engine
. On linux via the unix domain socket/var/run/docker.sock
Example configuration with gradle (assuming you have configured jib to generate the image tarball
in build/jib-image.tar
plugins {
id 'com.prime157.docker.load-to-docker' version '0.1'
load_to_docker {
tarball = 'build/jib-image.tar'
- The load-to-docker plugin is configured to push the tarball from
to docker. On Windows the plugin will talk to docker via the named pipe\\.\pipe\docker_engine
. On linux via the unix domain socket/var/run/docker.sock
. - The tarball can either be an absolute path or a path relative to the project's root path.
- The task is called
- The gradle plugin is only published to maven central - you will need to configure gradle to load plugins from there,
e.g. in your
you need to add mavenCentral:
pluginManagement {
repositories {