#1 To Start, run setup-node.sh script with number of docker hosts needed in cluster as an arguemnt.
If you simply execute setup-node.sh, it will guide you how to execute further.
#2 Entire cluster is built using Vagrant 1.9.8 and Virtualbox 5
All Vagrant VMs use, Ubuntu 16.04
#3 Cluster is formed as follows,
Consul Server -Ubuntu 16.04 -Consul 0.9.2
Nomad Server -Ubuntu 16.04 -Nomad 0.6.0
Docker Hosts -Ubuntu 16.04 -Docker 17.06.1-ce
#4 Docker data is mounted to /var/lib/docker as persistent storage using vagrant-persistent-storage Vagrant Plugin
#5 SDN Weave is used for Docker Container Communication
#6 All software installation and setups are done using Bash script. Scripts are saved under scripts/ directory.
#7 Disks for docker hosts will be saved under disk/ directory
Consul and Nomad service files are stored under service/ directory
yaml files from which vagrant will build vms are saved under yaml/ directory
#8 NOMAD cAdvisor file is saved as cadvisor.nomad. Job can be scheduled on hosts via nomad server using following command on nomad-server, vagrant ssh nomad-server nomad run /vagrant/cadvisor.nomad