The goal of this workshop is for you to bootstrap a production ready Civo Kubernetes Cluster. Every lab of the workshops uses Pulumi. From creating the infrastructure in the Civo Region of your choice to setting up the GitOps Pipeline with FluxCD.
- Chapter 0 - Create a Civo Kubernetes Cluster with Pulumi
- Chapter 1 - Setup FluxCD
- Chapter 2 - Building a CLI using the Pulumi Automation API
- Chapter 3 - Destroy the Civo Kubernetes Custer with Pulumi
If you get stuck during the workshops, you can try the following things in order:
- You can reach out for me anytime! Happy to help you on track again.
- Google the error! Honestly you will learn the most with this way.
- Reach out the community in Slack
If you enjoyed this workshop, please some of Pulumi's other learning materials