A game created by Dirk 'mrDLSable' Schut in order to learn how to use Unity3D. The end goal is to create an incremental type game with crafting and combat and skills and fighting and a lot of other things.
Click Here to play the latest release of the game. Click Here to play a dev version of the game. Please note that stability is rare and bugs frequent in this version.
Forking this branch and making edits in it yourself is highly encouraged. This project was made to learn and as such I want others to learn as well. That said, because this project was made to learn, it is unlikely that I will be accepting many pull requests. If you have made a feature in a fork that you would like to see implemented in the base game, you can make a pull request and I will see about implementing it manually.
- Unity3d
- Blender
- Visual Studio 2017
- Paint.net
- Quill18's Mostly Civilized Hex Engine VIDEO