Asynchronous HTTP client used for communication with the Discord REST API.
- PHP >=7.2
$ composer require discord-php/http
A psr/log-compliant logging library is also required. We recommend monolog which will be used in examples.
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;
use Discord\Http\Http;
use Discord\Http\Drivers\React;
$loop = \React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$logger = (new Logger('logger-name'))->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://output'));
$http = new Http(
'Bot xxxx.yyyy.zzzz',
// set up a driver - this example uses the React driver
$driver = new React($loop);
// must be the last line
All request methods have the same footprint:
$http->get(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []);
$http->post(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []);
$http->put(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []);
$http->patch(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []);
$http->delete(string $url, $content = null, array $headers = []);
For other methods:
$http->queueRequest(string $method, string $url, $content, array $headers = []);
All methods return the decoded JSON response in an object:
$http->get('oauth2/applications/@me')->done(function ($response) {
}, function ($e) {
echo "Error: ".$e->getMessage().PHP_EOL;
This software is licensed under the MIT license which can be viewed in the file.
- David Cole
- All contributors