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LEGOlord208 edited this page Apr 22, 2017 · 1 revision

Before talk

This was made by CubityFirst.
Thanks a lot!


... to the markdowntestcubity wiki!

Commands :

Basic :

help - Show's the help menu

exit - Exit DiscordConsole

exec - Execute a shell command (Somewhat-advanced)

Channel/Guild Selectors :

guilds - List guilds/servers this bot is added to.

guild id - Select a guild to use for further commands.

channels - List channels in your selected guild.

channel id - Select a channel to use for further commands.

pchannels - List private channels a.k.a. 'DMs'.

dm id - Create a DM with specific user.

Messaging Commands :

say message - Send a message in your selected channel.

file filepath - Upload file to selected channel.

edit message id stuff - Edit a message in your selected channel.

del message id - Delete a message in the selected channel.

delall since message id - Bulk delete messages since a specific message

log output file - Log the last few messages in console or to a file.

typing - Simulate typing in selected channel... (last's for about 10 seconds)

nick nickname Change own nickname.

Member Bar :

playing game - Set your playing status.

streaming twitchurl gamename - Set your streaming status

members - List (max 100) members in selected guild

invite - Create (permanent) instant invite. (Exports as the small code such as 83GZDqv)

leave - Leave's the current server

Roles :

roles List all roles in selected guild.

roleadd Add role to user

roledel Remove role from user

roleedit id flag value - Changes role depending on flag used, see below.

Role Flags :

name - Changes the name of the roles.

color - Needs Hexadecimal (For example #0FADED)

separate - Seperates role from others (Needs yes or no)

perms - Use to get the correct permissions

mention - Allows role to be mentionable or not. (Needs yes or no)

Moderation :

kick id - Kick's the ID

ban id - Ban's the ID

unban id - Unban's the ID

nickall name - Nickname's everyone (use no arguments to clear)

QuickMove + ConsoleLog

reply - Jump to the channel of the last received message (Shown in the console)

back - Jump to previous guild and/or channel (from moving with channel or guild)

enablemessages - Enable intercepting messages

disablemessages - Reverts the above.

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